
QUEEN Izzy 4What!! You have never heard of her highness the Beloved Queen of New Orleans!  Oh my... I thought everyone had read about Izzy!

You need to meet THE QUEEN OF NEW ORLEANS -IZZY. This is a "tail of triumph that speaks to our hearts".

"My parents always advised me never to buy a used car, because I would just be buying 6262306“somebody else's problem.” Unfortunately, that’s how some people view rescue dogs in general -as dogs that weren’t wanted because they had problems and didn’t make good pets"'- unknown.  It is even harder for a senior Boston Terrier surrendered by their owner to get past this attitude, and be given the opportunity to show how you to enjoy life.

No QUEEN IZZY is not a retired "show dog."  But she is a fantastic example of how a dog's love of life and joy can flow off the page and into our hearts.  Team that up with a super foster family turned "foster failure" and you have a most interesting and perfect life for a fancy dog like IZZY ...

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Izzy became the Queen of New Orleans by a series of interesting events. 

The Queen's mom had been a supporter of the Alabama Boston Terrier Rescue for quite some time.  She had seven rescues of her own so she was not in the market for a new fur baby. 

A breeder dump had completely overwhelmed the resources of the rescue and Izzy needed a foster and fast.  So Natalie, the queen's mom, did some fast talking to convince her family that they not only needed another baby but that we should drive two states away to get her. 

Izzy had spent several days with another ABTR member who was caring for the queen until the drive could be made.  Needless to say she fell in love with Izzy and offered her a permanent home if things did not work out. 

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If you ever met Izzy you would know that it is impossible to not come under her spell.  The first night in her new home she familiarized herself with her new fur-brothers/sisters and seemed to like her large backyard.  She had a new kennel, bed, and many secret Santas who sent her blankets and warmers. 

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She came to New Orleans in November of 2013.  While in the care of ABTR she got some desperately needed medical care and had her right rear leg amputated.  After the first two days in her new house, Izzy was now referred to as Queen Izzy.  She had managed to make her place the sweet spot in the big bed between Mommy and Daddy. 

When the QQUEEN Izzy 7ueen turned her nose up to the regular kibble, her dad went out and bought her special food.  He would go without eating before he would let her not have what she needed.  As time went on, the Queen became bolder and stronger and it was decided that we would be foster failures.  She is the tiniest furbaby in the Lartigue kingdom but she rules the house with an iron paw. 

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Considering her lack of care before ABTR, the Queen has rebounded in the best way possible.  She is very active and enjoys going places with her family.  She has been in a Mardi Gras parade and likes to dress for the Easter parade in the French Quarter when the weather allows. 

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Queen Izzy has her own FB page with close to 700 fans who like to catch up on their favorite tripod.  She currently has decals being made to raise funds for the other babies at ATBR. (link to decals)

Personal likes are Munchos, Watermelon, and watching trashy TV with her mom.

She will dress up to please her fans but you can expect the stink eye for several days afterwards. 

Her age is estimated to be anywhere from 12-17 years old.  The vet is not sure what is due to age or just neglect

 Queen Izzy has brought many wonderful people into her family's life.  Her mom cannot imagine life without her. 

This November will be two years that the Queen has been the toast of New Orleans. 

We can only hope that she will be here for many many more.


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