
pet arthritis diagram medDeramaxx for dogs is a popular, oft-recommended dog pain medication. We have in the past often looked at different medical conditions that we as Boston Terrier owners or foster parents have or are, dealing with. We have decided to also look at some of the medications that our vets commonly prescribe to help in treatments also. We chose this drug to start with because we know of two senior dogs who are taking this particular drug for arthritis pain management.
We welcome any additional information or corrections to this article especially if you are a veterinarian or vet tech. We encourage anyone who has a dog taking this medication to direct your questions to your pet’s health provider. This information is provided only to help keep us familiar with what is being used with some dogs, and which is considered helpful in some cases to control pain and inflammation.

The next most important thing to mention is this warning:
“For Oral Use in Dogs Only” and “Do NOT use with cats”.

Deramaxx Chewable Tablets

Federal Law (U.S.) restricts this drug to use by, or on, the order of a licensed veterinarian.
For Oral Use In Dogs Only
Deramaxx (deracoxib) is a non-narcotic, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) of the coxib class. Deramaxx tablets are round, biconvex, chewable tablets that contain deracoxib formulated with beefy flavoring.
Deramaxx tablets are a member of the coxib class of non-narcotic, non-steroidal, cyclooxygenase-inhibiting anti-inflammatory drugs for the control of postoperative pain and inflammation associated with orthopedic surgery and for the control of pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis in dogs.

Use the lowest effective dose for the shortest duration consistent with individual response.

Deramaxx tablets have been safely used during field studies in conjunction with other common medications, including heartworm preventatives, anthelmintics, anesthetics, pre-anesthetic medications, and antibiotics. While Deramaxx is not a cure for osteoarthritis, it can control the pain and inflammation of osteoarthritis and improve your dog's mobility. Response may vary from dog to dog but can be quite dramatic. Deramaxx tablets may need to be given on a periodic basis for the animal's lifetime. Use the lowest dose to provide adequate relief. Always consult with your veterinarian before altering the dose. ¹

As with all drugs in this class, side effects involving the digestive system, kidneys or liver may occur. These are normally mild, but may be serious. Pet owners should discontinue therapy and contact their veterinarian immediately if side effects occur. Evaluation for pre-existing conditions and regular monitoring are recommended for pets on any medication, including DERAMAXX (deracoxib). Use with other NSAIDs or corticosteroids should be avoided.²

Dosage and Administration (osteoarthritis pain and inflammation): 1 to 2 mg/kg/day (0.45 - 0.91 mg/lb/day) as a single daily dose, as needed. Dogs needing a dose of less than 12.5mg can only be accurately dosed through use of the 12mg tablet, which can be broken in half to provide 6mg. Do not attempt to accurately dose smaller dogs through the uses of breaking larger tablets. Inaccurate dosing may result in adverse drug events (see Adverse Reactions, Animal Safety, and Post-Approval Experience on product insert.) Provides 24-hour control of your dog’s pain and inflammation due to canine osteoarthritis.²

Important Safety Information12sickBoston2

Drug Name: Deracoxib
Common Name: Deramaxx
Generics: No generics are available
Drug Type: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) in a class called coxib
Used For: Pain and Inflammation associated with osteoarthritis
Species: Dogs
Administered: Tablets
How Dispensed: Prescription Only
Available Forms: 12mg, 25mg, 75mg, & 100mg Tablets
FDA Approved: Yes, for dogs

If a dose of Deracoxib (Deramaxx) is missed, give the dose as soon as possible. If it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose, and continue with the regular schedule. Do not give your dog two doses at once.

Possible side effects of Deracoxib include:
Deracoxib (Deramaxx) like other NSAIDS may cause some side effects. The most common side effects of Deracoxib involve digestive issues such as vomiting and decrease appetite.

Change in bowel movements (diarrhea, or black, tarry or bloody stools)
Change in behavior (decreased or increased activity level, incoordination, seizure, or aggression)
Jaundice (yellowing of gums, skin or whites of eyes)
Increase water consumption or urination changes (frequency, color, or smell)
Skin irritation (redness, scabs, or scratching)
Stomach pain
Stomach ulcers
Unexpected weight loss

Deracoxib (Deramaxx) is for use in dogs only.  Deracoxib should not be given to dogs that are hypersensitive to deracoxib or other NSAIDs. Deracoxib should not be given with any other NSAIDs, including: Carprofen (Rimadyl), Meloxicam (Metacam), Etodolac (Etogesic), Firocoxib (Previcox), Aspirin.

Not for use in humans. Keep this and all medications out of reach of children.

Deracoxib (Deramaxx) are indicated for the control of pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis, postoperative pain and inflammation due to orthopedic surgery and dental surgery in dogs.

Do NOT use in cats.
Deracoxib (Deramaxx) should be given according to your veterinarian’s instructions. Do not change the way you give Deracoxib without speaking with your veterinarian first. The recommended dose of Deracoxib is 0.45mg - 0.91 mg/lb/day as a single daily dose, as needed. Inaccurate dosing may result in adverse reactions. For long-term treatment, it is best to use the lowest effect dose to provide relief. Deracoxib is given by mouth, but is best given with food.

SICKBOSTON1Reviews Comments about Deramaxx Chewable Tablets For Dogs (from several sources).

If your dog has been prescribed Deramaxx we would love to hear from you. Please leave a comment.

I use Deramaxx to reduce my senior pet's arthritis pain.

This has helped our cocker spaniel. She has disk problems in her back and this helps her to get rest.

Easy To Use, Effective, Gentle,   No Side Effects

My dog is a very selective eater and it's hard to find meds she likes and chew, she loved their flavor.

We are using it with radiation treatments to fight soft tissue sarcoma in dog's nasal and throat area. Keeps the swelling and pain down so that he can eat. Human anti-inflammatory like Celebrex will cause internal bleeding in pets. Also, this med is combined with a powdered beef broth product, so that it doesn't taste that bad. Break it up, and wrap in a thin meat slices, or toss the pieces in bowl of warmed meat such as chicken.

So far this is the best pain relief product I have used for my dog; the biggest drawback would be the cost. But of course, any animal is worth whatever it takes to make them as pain free as possible.

Very effective in easing pain and supporting improved mobility in senior dogs

My 11 year old white Shepherd has bad hip dysplasia and Deramaxx has been the best treatment ever. He is walking much better and acts like a puppy sometimes. This product is very expensive for long-term usage.

Our dog Mina is on Deramaxx for Osteosarcoma in her right front shoulder. It has been giving her the relief she needs to maintain a good quality of life.

Our 11yr old Lab Katie has bad knees and hips and with wood floors in the house Deramaxx makes all the difference. Katie enjoys a 3/4 mile walk daily thanks to your product; it is her favorite part of the day.

I use this product to manage my aging German shepherd’s arthritis. I haven't seen any side effects but I heard that it can cause ulcers.

Have not been using this product long enough to know if it is causing negative liver damage to my mixed breed 60 lbs, 12 year old female K9 yet. Once we have been using it for two months and do a liver screen I will know. So far I am pleased with her reactions to it, and the effectiveness of this product

We use this product daily for arthritic hip pain in our St. Bernard. She went from not wanting to take daily walks to enjoying walking again

I was given this RX for my 17 year old Bichon when I noticed his hind quarters giving out on him. A half a pill a day since April and he are doing much better! He looks forward to his "chewy tab" as I call it every morning. I was skeptical at first because of his age, but Deramaxx has helped him immensely.

Nice NSAID for arthritis in my older dog. He has been taking it for a couple of years and we really notice the difference in his mobility if he misses doses. I think it improves his quality of life. I'm told it could have liver side effects, but we have not seen any.

This is a wonderful product. No visible side effects. My dog was limping due to arthritic pain but after two days on this drug she stoppedsickboston3 limping and is acting like a younger dog! She wants to run and play again. I highly recommend this product if your dog has arthritis!




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