

You have seen our video so now let us tell you what we are UP TO ..... Gracie Mae wanted to play a game with you.. So she as adopted a little game to play with you.


We are trying to bring a little sunshine, fun and amusement to our dear friends..

we invite you to "PLAY" our  game with us... We have so much fun playing with all of you.


PAY IT FORWARD: please read....
After all the recent terrible tragedies that have happened and are happening; this world needs as much kindness as it can get.....

We at BTN  are participating for the third time, this "Pay it Forward" initiative:

We invite everyone to leave a comment,  at the end of this article.

Just your name like it is on Facebook AND tell us "I'M IN". 


1.  You will need to be one of our "Facebook friends"  to play. GRACIEMAE2012 8160

2.  There is one very important thing you must promise to do if you decide to take us up on this:
you need to offer five of your friends the same offer on your Facebook timeline.

3.  If you have received a gift from BTN from one of our previous "games" please wait 6 months to play with us again... Oh yes we will be playing games often...

4. We would love it if when you receive your surprise gift that you post on Facebook or here in the comments. Or better yet both places..

5. THAT IS ALL?   Yes that is all to it...


Saturday we will take all the names  form the comments to this article... and ask Gracie Mae to select 10 names randomly. (We will try to  present a video of her selection )

These 10 names that Gracie Mae selects,  will be contacted and asked to send BTN their mailing address. 

Then our selected friends will receive a surprise from BOSTON TERRIER NETWORK  at some point during March. - anything from a book, a ticket, dog toys, something home-grown, homemade, a postcard, absolutely any surprise!

GRACIEMAE471425Let us do nicer and loving things in 2015, without any reason other than to make each other smile. Here is to a more enjoyable and friendly, and love filled year. This idea is wonderful and copied from our UK friend Gill Sinclair; she has some of the best ideas coming her way.  This is our third time we have "played" this little surprise on our friends. 

There will be no warning, We will send our selected friends a gift,  This will happen when the mood comes over Gracie Mae.


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Boston Terrier Network
We are stronger together than we are alone!

On this family-friendly website, you will find other dog owners dealing with the same issues as you . We hope you will find solutions which inspire and reassure you.



Welcome friends, Boston Terrier Network (BTN), offers a free monthly Newsletter for our readers, when you register.



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