
BTN 065TravelAideKitEGO Emergency Kit To Go

The newest product from Pet Portables. first aid kit and downsized it

to fit in a pouch. It can easily be clipped on to a leash, belt loop or

backpack and still has everything you need for immediate care.

BTN_065 $19.95

Ego Emergency To Go Kit Contents:
    2 - 2"x2" Gauze pads (apply to wounds)
    2 - Antiseptic towelettes (clean wound/hands)
    1 - Insect sting wipe (sterilization)
    1 - Iodine wipe (sterilization)
    1 - Certisporane (antibiotic cream)
    1 - 1"x5 yd. coflex (secure bandage)
    1 - Plastic tweezer (splinter/tick removal)
Note: Contents in kit are intended for first aid use only.


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