About Us

Founder, Donna Curtis, a retired Navy veteran of 28 years, brings multiple business platform capabilities and years of “First Hand” rescue experience to the BOSTON TERRIER NETWORK (BTN). Curtis has been working in all aspects of rescue since 2010 as an intake group foster home for Boston Terriers. Working through a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Curtis experienced first-hand the joys and trials of fostering; from new born pups, to those who graced Curtis with sharing their last walk to the rainbow.

Through fostering; the sick, helping rehab those undergoing long-term medical treatments, providing a long-term home for the ones difficult to place, including many seniors; much knowledge has been gained. Not stopping with just fostering, there were many miles of transportation, working with other rescue organizations, fundraising events, working with Veterinarians and Vet techs, and hours researching how to train, feed and care for behavior challenged Boston Terriers at the group home.

Curtis came up with the idea of the BOSTON TERRIER NETWORK when it became apparent that many supporters of the rescue community were having a hard time staying motivated and in finding needed information in a timely manner. Moreover, there are sometimes differences in what a rescue organization is funded for and what are some of the changing needs of the rescue community. With this backdrop, the vision of helping to shore up some of these gaps, Boston Terrier Network was formed.

Curtis believes that each person, regardless of experience level, has something important to offer the rescue community. This awareness has led to BTN developing several programs aimed toward utilizing these talents. Also recognized is that members of the rescue community need more recognition for many of their efforts to rescue, foster, and sharing of needed information.

Co-Founder, Lori "Oracle", provides years of technical knowledge and skills along with rescue experience creating a balanced team. Lori's vision and knowledge of working with Bulldogs adds much to the background of our growing team. Through Lori's efforts many of BTN's goals are seeing realization in an amazingly short time.

The third member of our founding team is April Hanback Risner. Her many years of experience in nursing, raising a young family, working with fostered Bostons and gifted talents in several art and craft mediums; makes a perfect balance to help take BTN into a truly dynamic future. Risner has four Boston Terriers and one cat.

Purpose of the BOSTON TERRIER NETWORK (BTN): Through the NewsFeed, we continue to focus on Boston Terriers. However, much of what we discuss will also be useful with many other short-nosed breed owners, to provide quality information in response to current questions and concerning best practices in the rescue community. By sharing the best practices of solid rescue organizations, it provides a balanced approach for new and upcoming members of our Boston Terrier rescue community.  As a recognized 501(c )(3) nonprofit, BTN is moving forward to introduce several programs to support the growing demands of the rescue community.

Curtis believes that there should not be any competition between proven "old school" methods that work, and new ideas that are in solid developmental stages. Therefore, BTN will continue to encourage those "on the ground" year after year to continue to produce more of the astonishing results. Showing that rescue, although not easy, should be as pleasurable and rewarding to all involved as possible.

Boston Terrier Networks’s Web Content Editors:
At Boston Terrier Network, we strive to ensure our articles are factually accurate and up-to-date. As such, our articles are periodically reviewed by our Editorial Staff.

Jan Mitchell has been Boston Terrier Network’s Editorial staff ever since 2014. Michell is a retired Accountant; therefore, she is a 'detail' person who is also an English/Grammar/Spelling Specialist.  She has been rescuing animals for around 14 years, but has been rescuing Boston Terriers since 2012. Mitchell lives in Tennessee with her husband and their tripod Boston Terrier, Mickey, and their Chocolate Lab, Chip.

Julie Bradford is a freelance editor with a degree in communication, and a specialist in Paralegal Studies. Her time is also divided between coaching new moms in La Leche League, baking bread, and is a vociferous reader. Bradford lives in Mississippi with her husband, two daughters, their four cats and two dogs. Her passion and enthusiasm for getting a job well done is a wonderful addition to our staff.

Graphic Design, Artwork, Illustrator, Artist, Contributing Editors
We have been privileged to have benefit with several amazingly talented artists and designers.

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Scott Edwards with talent on loan from Leroy Brown, the Boston Terrier, is a graphic artist with an overblown idea of his skills with a computer and a mouse clicker. Scott also designed the Sponsor A Squishy-Face program magnet and will be assisting BTN on several more projects. Edwards and family presently are living out of cardboard boxes due to a recent move.

You can find Leroy Brown and Edwards on Facebook at Leroy Brown the Boston Terrier


Jennifer De Carlo is a Freelance Graphic Artist, Graphic Artist Artwork Contributor and Illustrator. Her artwork and drawings can be found at https://www.facebook.com/coffeemejeni/ Experienced graphic designer with a proven track record in advertising, design, branding and visual identity. An innovative team player, De Carlo provides amazing artwork for Boston Terrier Network and has redesigned our soon to be unveiled new logo. She lives in New Zealand with her family and two dogs.

Art by Jeni
I mainly do portraits of animals and people, but will draw almost anything. Usually my personal art includes coffee and/or rats (with a chance of Batman).

Other important Contributors, Guest Writers, videos and photographs
If you would like to see more, please go to this link:

Thanks to Our Guest Contributors, we are grateful

BTN is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit located in North Alabama

UPDATED 4/27/2016

Edited by Jan Mitchell


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