This module can be viewed on this page. The styling of the module shown here is customized specifically for this template with css overrides, and cannot be used with any other template. The same module can be used on any template, but with default or other styling in its place. Publish your own content into each slide transition and for multiple slide transition effects, navigation arrows and also a drop down gallery tab that allows you to select a slide via a thumbnail. This module is fully responsive as well. The S5 Image and Content Fader v3 is powered by Mootools/Jquery. Best of all it's free!

Features at a glance

  • Responsive layout compatible
  • Choose between 4 slide transitions: Fade, Continuous Horiztonal, Fade Slide Left, Continuous Vertical
  • Zoom In Option
  • Specify height and width of module
  • Mobile size options
  • Includes a gallery tab drop down to show all images
  • Each image slide can have its own hyperlink
  • Show up to 10 images at once
  • Publish your own content to each picture slide
  • Navigation arrows
  • Not all slides require titles
  • Change delay time
  • Hide or show: Navigation arrows, thumbnail carousel and popup text

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Welcome friends, Boston Terrier Network (BTN), offers a free monthly Newsletter for our readers, when you register.

BTN Profile

Boston Terrier Network
We are stronger together than we are alone!

On this family-friendly website, you will find other dog owners dealing with the same issues as you . We hope you will find solutions which inspire and reassure you.



Welcome friends, Boston Terrier Network (BTN), offers a free monthly Newsletter for our readers, when you register.



You need to enable user registration from User Manager/Options in the backend of Joomla before this module will activate.