
bt bellyband

Belly-bands are cloth bands that wrap around male dogs. The Velcro really helps them hard to get off, when the band is on good.
You know each dog is different in adapting to them.
Some have no problem with them and others will take a bit to get used to.

Please consult your Vet to make sure your Pet's Urinating problem is not health related. Don't for get to ask your vet for recommendations on how and when to use any type of belly-band.

  The right size is very important. You need a good fit with a belly-band. If it is not wide, enough they will not work correct. Belly-bands can be washed and dried, many times. To wash them just make sure the Velcro is together and was in warm water and hang to dry. One hint is if they pee a lot; put a maxi pad in the band it will help absorb the pee.


 Here is what a miss fitted belly band looks like.


 Belly-bands are usually Velcro wraps that go around the penis so the dog does not pee all over everything he's not supposed to. Very helpful for any male dog that marks. It will save your house.







 First Belly-bands are for use with Male dogs and have several uses.

 Scent Marking Training Aid: They are great for markers. If your male dog likes to hike its leg up on furniture, this will discourage this behavior. When you let them outside take the band off and then they can mark all they want without the band.
bellyband1House Breaking Training Aid.  First you have to be aware that to housebreak a dog you need to ensure consistency. Be sure to take your dog out at regular intervals, repeating short commands and praising his successes. To protect furniture and carpet, as well as reinforce appropriate elimination, some dog owners use a belly-band, a soft cloth that wraps around a male dog's midsection to absorb urine.

Protection for Dogs that become Incontinent (health/old age): If you have an older Boston or if your male Boston has a health problem that causes it to become incontinent, the use of belly-bands may help.

Protection Submissive/Excited Urination: Sometimes using a belly-band on young male dogs who urinate when excited and have not yet complete control over their bladders. It usually resolves on its own as a dog matures.


If you are a rescue keeping some of these male belly-bands on hand to give to foster homes will be a welcomed addition especially until the Boston gets settled into their new home.

Sometimes a little extra help from suspenders help hold the belly-bands in place.

 Yes there is some help for Female dogs also our Miss Gracie Mae due to a medical condition wears female panite covers over human diapers (she has no tail) and with the help of suspenders is able to have a normal life.GRACIEMAEpantie2 94

 GRACIEMAEpantie 0181

Dezi-Ray Hoover : Had an incontinent older beautiful girl.. Momma used baby diapers, one sizes and under drawers on her. Saved our bed (we all sleep together in a king sized bed at night), saved our floors, and helped our lovely lady not feel so bad about letting loose!!!  She lived to be 21 years old.  The last five years of her life, she had potty issues (peeing that is.) and she became deaf over time. Other than that, she had no problems and lived a gracious, regal life. ♥

   We have some  more suggestions that our social media friends have in the past sent us and we thought you would find them to continue to be useful.

  "Simple Solutions" brand, buy them online instead of the pet store. They have an absorbent area sewn into the band that works pretty well. I keep several, and launder often. For my male fosters that are habitual markers, the bands are worn 100% of the time indoors. Some males will be discouraged to mark while wearing the bands; some will mark inside anyway, wetting the band. Better wetting the band, than wetting the corner of my sofa."

"Herbie is on furosemide and he has always been a leg lifter to begin with so now it is extra bad. I made my own belly-bands out of some super soft old t-shirts and they work great."

 "We used toddler diapers and female pants on our 15 1/2 year old pom. It helped her but I think the bands would be easier. We had to lift her tail which we think may have had some arthritis and made her uncomfortable sometimes."

MarkandPam Newton recently told us that "Belly-bands work very well while the dog gets used to his new surrounding. I have had great luck with foster dogs. They stop marking once they are used to the home and can also learn potty manners!"

Melisha Culver told us to try:  "Taking a oversize Wool Sock,put a Sanitary napkin inside it and tie is securely around his private area.  Works as well as the ones I have bought off the internet that were custom made.  I only have to use them when Mr. Tanner is around NEW things.  Seems he has to mark them. Take a big wool sock and put a sanitary mini pad in the middle and tie it around his private area.... they work great!"

Pam Satterfield:  "I had to use diapers on my two dogs that had congestive heart failure. I bought the cheap store brand - for a male you probably want to buy a size 2 and use like a belly band. Attached with Scotch brand packaging tape at the top. Don't buy generic tape because it will split and peal. The Scotch brand packaging tape will not hurt his skin. It’s super easy and makes life so much better when they start having this problem. I use them for new fosters too until I know if they are housetrained. I use a baby diaper as a belly band on new male fosters and my Eddie when we have a new male in the house. They are cheap and will actually work better than a belly band. I attach them with clear packaging tape - it won't hurt their skin. I know Becky and Adam use this method too on their marking male fosters."
 However Belly-Bands will not solve all problems. Here is a few areas they will not be helpful to you or the Boston..
The purpose of belly-bands is not for birth control.
The belly-band is not designed as a “catch all” when you are away and cannot be back for his regular break. 
The belly-band should only be worn while supervised.


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