

I am 6 years old, crate trained and housebroken. I had to fight for food when I was running as a stray in my younger days, therefore I do have some food aggression issues towards other dogs. With people, I am great! I would like to have a family's love and my toys all to myself, so I would prefer to be the only canine baby in the house. I am very active and would love to have a family that will take me for daily walks or runs. I also loves the water! One of my favorite pastimes is taking a leisurely pup-dip in the doggie pool. If you are interested in adopting me, please go to fill out an adoption application. And please don't forget to share me!!

Contact Boston Terrier Rescue Of Oklahoma, fill out an application and take me home!

Adopted Bruno

Contact Boston Terrier Rescue Of Oklahoma, fill out an application and take me home!
And, please don't forget to share Bruno!!


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Boston Terrier Network
We are stronger together than we are alone!

On this family-friendly website, you will find other dog owners dealing with the same issues as you . We hope you will find solutions which inspire and reassure you.



Welcome friends, Boston Terrier Network (BTN), offers a free monthly Newsletter for our readers, when you register.



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