
1.     Other ideas on writing your topic to consider:

– Consider when you write at what level of experience you are writing about i.e. about has beginner, intermediate and advanced levels, these can be chunks too.  

-- Are there chronological chunks? Some subjects have a beginning, middle and end, or categorized by time.

-- Think how people often try to place things into eras, “Golden Age”, etc. What is the “history” of your subject?

2.   Outlining Blog Topics is a tool you might want to consider when writing more than one topic for us.

-- When you look at a books content page we have chapter titles then under that you might see subheadings. That is pretty much, what an outline is.

Taking “feeding your dog” as a subject, we might start to outline it, using nested bullets like so:

   “Feeding your dog”

       Techniques (when to feed, free feeding, or picking up food at a certain time)

       Equipment (bowls, on floor or raised, metal or plastic, measuring scoop)

           Types of bowls for slow or fast feeders,

           Where and when to feed ( in crate, in separate room, with humans )

           Selecting proper dog food

               Raw or home cooked vs store bought

                   Treats or no treats

                   (you get the idea- each one could be a topic to write about !)

-- Keep drilling down, going up and down the list to find more places where you can branch off, re-categorize items, and generally expand as best you can.

--When you have exhausted your ideas then look over the list for inspiration.


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Boston Terrier Network
We are stronger together than we are alone!

On this family-friendly website, you will find other dog owners dealing with the same issues as you . We hope you will find solutions which inspire and reassure you.



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