
Names, Titles and Bio

   Not only are our readers interested in the content in your article, they also want to know who wrote the post and their background (i.e. groomer, vet tech, foster family, member of a rescue, individual).

We want to give credit to each person who contributes to the success of BOSTON TERRIER NETWORK’ NewsFeed. We ask that each writer provide a short bio about you or your background. It is not mandatory, but we would ask that you do so.

Reviewed July 13, 2015


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Boston Terrier Network
We are stronger together than we are alone!

On this family-friendly website, you will find other dog owners dealing with the same issues as you . We hope you will find solutions which inspire and reassure you.



Welcome friends, Boston Terrier Network (BTN), offers a free monthly Newsletter for our readers, when you register.



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