

Caution This is addictive behavior...What is?  Making homemade dog food. Oh you don't think so... We challenge you to try the different recipes we have and see if your able to keep From developing the habit.  Just say no more to those eyes of disappointment, when you put down their food dish with regular dog food, after making some of our treats and main food suggestions..

.. Any way here is one new one we just tried..

 When was the last time you made soup for your dog? 

Here is a easy recipe for you to try and become a hero to you dog...

 Chicken Stock Recipe for Dog

8 tablespoons corn oil
4 lbs  chicken backs and necks
1-1/2 gal water
2 large cups baby cabbage chopped
2 cups carrots chopped
Parsley 5 strings
1 gal water

In a large kettle or pot, heat up 4 tablespoons of oil over medium heat. Add in the chicken pieces and brown them on all sides evenly. Remove the chicken and reserve. Add 1 cup of water to pot and deglaze it over medium heat. Make sure to loosen all the scrapings of browned bits. Add these dripping to the chicken and reserve this.
In the same pot, heat up the remaining oil over medium heat. Add in the baby cabbage and carrots and cook until baby cabbage are transparent. Add in the reserved chicken with the drippings, parsley, remaining water, and bring all this to a boil. Reduce the heat and let it simmer covered for 2 hours.
To obtain stock, strain the mixture and let it cool down to room temperature. Refrigerate. Remove any fat from the top surface. This can be used within several days or freeze and use in portions.
To make soup, remove all the chicken parts and serve the vegetables and broth over kibbles.
  Makes about a gallon.

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