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Finding toys for your Boston can be not only a challenge but expensive. So it is doubly nice when not only you find a toy that they will play with and not demolished but has other uses too. 

We have introduced the Kong toy as a great tool to provide mental exercise. Food- and treat-stuffed Kongs are excellent enrichment! Here are a few ideas on how to get the most from your Kong like toys.


   Photo: Ali Strinkaus 

 Even dogs that are fed kibble can benefit with a Kong like toy, one idea is to hang the toy from a tree branch or other sturdy object with the bigger hole facing skyward. The dog must leap into the air and knock at the Kong like toy to release his treat.


PHOTO: Willa, Courtney Bryson

 Playing hide and seek: Try this distractional use of a Kong like toy. Mix kibble with a spoonful of canned dog food, cottage cheese, yogurt or other healthy moist food spooned into the  toy.  Place the toy into the freezer.

Your dog must then work a little longer to remove the frozen treat from the toy. 

Multiple Kong toys can be stuffed with the dog’s meal portions and hidden throughout the house, so that the dog must spend his day hunting down and “dissecting” his Kong-kills.

 If you do not mind a little mess you might try this method of providing a positive outlet for high energy Bostons.  Especially good for dogs who love to destroy or chew. You might try sealing Kong toys inside paper bags or cardboard boxes, although you will have a shredded mess to clean up later on.

Also useful for crated dogs who especially need the mental enrichment that may be provided, with a Kong toy during their confinement. If the stuffed Kong is used to reward and amuse while in a crate waiting for an owner to return.  As one owner was quoted, "My dogs run into their crates in the morning and wait impatiently for me to leave, because they know their Kong goodies will not be delivered until I’m ready to head out for the day. Frozen Kongs make my dogs extra eager for me to go and make the crates into a positive place to spend the day."

 Want some more ideas on how to fill a Kong like toy? You might like these also.

Do you make your own home cooked food?  Or do you use canned food?  Your Boston can get enjoyment from getting their food from a Kong like toy. Because there is plenty of moisture, they are great for putting into the freezer.

JanetteJettPuterbaugh Morgan Drogo

Photo: Drogo, Janette Morgan

Do you have a cheese lover?   You might want to try this Melted Cheese idea. First fill a Kong with a small amount of cheese along with some kibble or other dry tidbits.  One suggestion was to place the filled Kong in a microwave-safe container, heating it in the microwave until the cheese melts.  Remember to allow plenty of time for it to cool or place directly in the freezer before giving to your dog.  Your Boston will find this a challenging to remove treat.

 Do you have a dog reluctant to work at a Kong like toy if the food is packed and difficult to remove?  One suggestion would be to try layering the toy in a way to make it easier to remove the food. By rewarding them with easy to get layers of moist food and their favorite dry food without freezing. You might even place a little on the outside of the hole to encourage them to become familiar with the process.

 What can you try to put into a Kong like toy?  Remember if your dog is sensitive to, or allergic to certain foods, this is not what you would want to put in these toys.  However here are some ideas on what could be put into Kongs to give excitement to both you and your Dogs...  some of these even I have not thought about and I will try in the future. Different canned dog food, meat flavored baby food, rice, potatoes, cream cheese, peanut butter, small bits of sausage, leftover cooked veggies such as spinach or squash, tuna, raw meat, cooked meet, canned salmon, canned Jack Mackerel, oatmeal, cottage cheese, yogurt.  I bet you could come up with other ideas...  small amounts of lunch meat, cheerios, string cheese, croutons, and biscuits. You can see what I mean.  These are meant to be treats not meals, so small tiny amounts not huge hunks or amounts, unless you are substituting this from the normal amount you feed your dogs.. We do not need any more fat dogs do we!

My dogs have become really motivated and have learned the art of throwing the Kongs on the floor to get the food out. One of my dogs works at licking the easy to reach part then starts throwing it on the floor for the rest to dislodge and come out... The other dogs are learning the fine art of throwing Kongs or running after the now rolling Kong to be the first to scuff up the reward... Luckily for us they are not food aggressive and so this is not a problem. Although you can see the disgust in our big dog's eyes, when the other one gets to the treat first... "Hey, that was mine.  Go get your own!" kind of look...  So do be careful if food aggression is an issue we do not want a fight...

JanetteJettPuterbaugh Morgan Drogo2

Photo: Drogo, Janette Morgan


Be prepared to help your dog remove the tightly lodged biscuit using a pair of pliers if it proves too difficult and is driving your dog nuts!

If you do put food into your Kong like toys remember leftover food will rot if not cleaned. Do not forget to clean out the Kongs after each use.  Do not assume they are self-cleaning.

Do you have a favorite Kong stuffing trick or recipe? Share it in the comments below! 


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