NEW LOGO FINALSMALLWe bet you have been wondering what we have been up to.

Well,  Vinny has been worried that you might be getting the impression
we were on vacation or something.  So he told us he had to let
you guys in on a little secret...  (Remember Vinny our Mascot?)

Vinny can be very convincing so we decided to share with you a bit of information.
As you can tell Vinny has been very busy behind the scenes trying to get our ducks (Bostons) in a row.
We are working hard to be able to announce to you a very special Program.

vinny bostons inaRow2

HINT:  Our new program Administrator is currently working on finalizing some details with some of the Rescues we will be working with.   As soon as we get the last details in motion.

I am sure Vinny will be ready to let us share the details.
Well that is all that Vinny will let me share with you right now.
We are so excited 
Vinny wants us to hold off just a little bit longer..

In the meantime:  Have you watched the video that Robert Coriat just did for some of our friends?

WHY CANT THIS BE LOVE                                                                                                                          


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Boston Terrier Network
We are stronger together than we are alone!

On this family-friendly website, you will find other dog owners dealing with the same issues as you . We hope you will find solutions which inspire and reassure you.



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