

The dog side:   Hey Listen, I need some help here!  My best friend, she has been like a second sister.  It’s fantastic in a lasting friendship there has to be a lot of respect and empathy. We don't get to play as much as I like since they moved away. But I have been told we are going to go find her at her new home. I can’t wait to play with her again. BUT if I have to travel with a carload of people to go visit her, FORGET IT! Worse is the hours before we go anywhere and I can tell just by the tension and prep time This is going to be a long trip.

Okay so traveling is an issue. But if you only knew what I had to go through to take a trip. I start panting just thinking about it... And it is not for joy either. I remember the last time we took a family trip... I was so excited. So were the rest of the kids. But well things got so complicated. I just do not understand why all the activity beforehand. Humans are as bad as some dogs I know. They put themselves in such a state of panic I can't help but join them... Now if were left to me we could just grab some treats get in the car and go. But no, humans seem to need a time before hand to prepare themselves so they can be excited. By the time we finally do get to start our trip, I am just plum emotionally drained. Why do they do that?

The human side:  You’re running out of time and of course there are always distractions that happen right when you are trying to get everything gathered together. A neighbor chooses this time to come by asking to borrow a tool.  The washer suddenly springs a leak and you have not finished getting the last two loads washed.  In your hurry to grab your phone and call the repairman, you managed to get your sleeve caught somehow and knocked your favorite coffee cup off the table onto the floor of course the darn thing was full... The phone starts ringing”Hi we just have a short survey we need you to answer" CLICK:  The kid's school texts you a message, 'the school bus will be late. it had a flat and they are transferring all the kids onto another bus'.  And your Boston, is quietly chewing and tugging on the corner of your new couch's leg, trying to get some stupid toy the leg was blocking, and not being able to reach it with its paw, he seemed determined to move the couch.

BENNY 5310The Dog Side Woof!  No wonder I can get real excited about traveling.  The secret is to train your human family to relax! I know it is tough. Tell me about it.  It took me years to get mine to enjoy the process.  But they still get all anxious sometimes and try to blame me for the stress. That is the part I don't understand. When they get excited and barking at each other, why they do not appreciate me joining in?

There is a few ruff edges of this travel thing I am working with them on...like conditioning them to enjoy car rides.  Now you might ask how do you do that. Well every time they looked like they were going somewhere I demand to go with them..  I am working on my body language for expressing my joy of riding in the car.  I hate it when they ignore me. I'm working real hard on begging and they are beginning to be more cooperative. The human kids well they just add to the excitement and when I get them on my side I know I will get to go for a ride.   I think we have a system developed now and that has really helped. Where we run into trouble is when mom gets all tensed up..

The human side:  Phew! After all that drama you just want to lie down and rest. Eck! You just glanced at the time. The kids are over an hour late getting home. You call the school.  You sigh at the remains of your favorite coffee cup as you scoop up the last of the glass and dump in the trash. Of course the rug is displaying a splotch of coffee stain. And the repairman well he will be here as fast as he can.

Let’s see the garbage can is loaded sitting at the curb ready for tomorrow morning, Oh better call the neighbor and ask if they will bring it in.  You start scanning your pile of items ready to put in the car for tomorrow.  In burst the kids with excited voices and of course the Boston is right in the middle bouncing with excitement to greet them as they circle around you telling you about why they are so late... Did you know how BIG a bus tire was? and the police car that showed up to help keep them safe while the backup bus arrived then the lady with the kids that pulled up behind them and started fussing cause the bus driver would not let her take some kids off the bus and let her take them home and Did I know why she was wearing a big purple hat.  And on and on it goes.  Finally with all of the details told and augured over and retold, the kids wonder off to the kitchen so you could start dinner, followed by the click clack of four paws... Dinner time...


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