
WendyBrowne siameseWhat if we could get your cat to write a dog food review? What would that be like?

First, we have some obvious problems, cats don't write. So, we will need your help.

Second, why would a cat write a dog food review in the first place?

But, just in case you have a cat who would like to help Boston Terrier Network by writing a dog food review for us, we have provided some suggestions. Yes, we are serious!

Just email your cat's dog food review to info@bostonterriernetwork.com and we will publish them.

For an incentive to help make up for this unusual request the first five cats who send in canned dog food reviews, a cat treat as a reward to your cat for bothering to take the time to help us. We will need you to let us know if your cat wants to take us up on this offer.

LindaWard Oreo MsKittyRussell

Of course, all food reviewing is inherently subjective, but that doesn't mean your cat should only comment on what he liked and didn't like.

To start out this series of reviews we are interested in: Canned Dog food:

1. What was in a sauce?

2. Is the canned dog food better tasting room temperature or refrigerated?

3. Would your cat do the taste test?

4. Was the canned food grain free? Did it have potatoes, apples or peas in it?

5. Could your cat identify certain high-profile foods (meats, expensive cheeses, etc.)?

6. Has your cat refused to let you volunteer him ever to try canned dog food again?

7. Would your cat prefer to let you do the tasting next time?

Don't forget to email to Boston Terrier Network your cat's dog food review on canned dog food.

Please consider volunteering your cat for the next dog food review. We will be looking at Kibble, raw dog food, and dog food treats, in the next couple months! How exciting is that!!!!

Edited by: Julie Bradford, Jan Mitchell   


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