
·         January

·         Favorite vet clinic /vet/ tech

·         February

·         Gracie Mae’s Fashion show

•     March


·         April

·         Favorite foster mom/family/dad

·         May

·         May  2015 PAY IT FORWARD EVENT

·         June

·         Favorite rescue background person (ie admin/ it/ fundraiser staff person)

·         July
      possible date /month for our annual btn auction

·         AUCTION PROGRAM  Lori MullaneHere is a auction program for your website its 36.00 just an fyi
BF Auction Plus demo.tamlynsoftware.com

·         August

·         Anniversary  = 17 august

·         September

·         Favorite transporter/driver nominate for a bio spot and gift from btn


·         October

·         SUPER FRIEND OF RESCUED DOGS AWARD Who is your human SUPER FRIEND? We want to add their name to our list, for our second SUPER FRIEND OF RESCUED DOGS AWARD to be announced in Our group will seek the names and vote on nominated human, once a year, to receive donations to their vet to help with any medical expenses. Our goal is to raise $500.00. The money we will ask to be donate in the name of a specific Boston directly to the vet, where it can be used for any medical need either annual expenses or major medical. We will ask that should that named Boston for some reason, not use the whole amount that the remainder be donated back to help our next “SUPER FRIEND’s vet”. The Dog must be a Boston or Boston mix and reside with the nominated human. Other donations may be in whatever form you would like to make. If you are interested in nominating someone, for our 2015  “SUPER FRIEND OF RESCUED DOGS AWARD”, we will be seeking nominations in 1-15 oct  2015 to be awarded in last sat in  oct each year.

·         Consider, we are looking for someone who generously provided gifts or donations to others when their world, (family, health, financially, job, or other private matter) would have prevented most of us from being so active. This will be our way of saying thank you and we recognize their generosity. Sometimes a wonderful caring person is unable to donate, foster and may have done something else… transportation, home visits, crafts, etc. something that makes this person a SUPER FRIEND and worth nominating proudly. To nominate a person first email us at info@bostonterriernetwork.com with subject in title SUPER FRIEND We will add to our list and the first of March we will let you vote on who gets this award.

·         Lori Mullane   I love love it! And you have a voting app on your site

·         Donna Curtis oh that is even better thanks that will solve a problem I was trying to figure out!!

  • November
·         Announcing BTN’S, 2015 (ID#321)   JOYS OF GIVING CHRISTMAS GIFT PROGRAM, for  November BTN’S, Annual “JOYS OF GIVING CHRISTMAS GIFT PROGRAM” A program where we request our friends to nominate rescued and fostered Boston Terriers and Boston Terrier Mixes and their foster families. Our purpose is to collect GIFTS for a rescued, fostered dogs that otherwise would go without Christmas gifts. This is our way of acknowledging the special effort and expenses that being a foster family can bring. Announcing BTN’S, 2015 JOYS OF GIVING CHRISTMAS GIFT PROGRAM, for nominated rescued and fostered Boston Terriers and Boston Terrier Mixes and their foster families. Visit us at www.bostonterriernetwork.com for details.   The nominations may be made by the foster family, or a friend. Each nomination must include the following information the affiliated Rescue the dog is being fostered for; a photo of the dog, sex, age, and Dog’s name, want list, along with contact information of the rescued dog. Also needed is whether the foster family would like the items to be directly shipped from the donator, or through BTN.

·         December

·        ":"We have not forgotten" ( follow up on any other gifts to fosters not sent gifts from joys of giving and one special gift for an upamd coming under 15 years old human child  )



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Boston Terrier Network
We are stronger together than we are alone!

On this family-friendly website, you will find other dog owners dealing with the same issues as you . We hope you will find solutions which inspire and reassure you.



Welcome friends, Boston Terrier Network (BTN), offers a free monthly Newsletter for our readers, when you register.



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