
15181651 1773776456204166 476197220314019369 nOn the halos, there are some dogs who don't tolerate the head type (just like a cone of shame, they can be a bit bothersome for some dogs).  If so, but the halo seems workable, there is another type that attaches to a light body harness.  Here is a link to a picture of the body type if you run into that.  BTW, the link is a test HTML page of mine for crafting home pages for others.  Ignore the contents, what you want is the banner picture at the top (scroll up if your browser doesn't show it).  Contents right now are a test page for a yahoo group in OZ.


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We are stronger together than we are alone!

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Welcome friends, Boston Terrier Network (BTN), offers a free monthly Newsletter for our readers, when you register.



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