Alysse Kinane Butler trainer

Hello Donna, I was hoping to discuss fostering... I have been fostering dogs in the Pacific Northwest for 10 years, all types of breeds. I found my first Boston trough the local county, and she was a mess.... Very fearful. She had to be "caught" by animal control with a rabies pole. She had to be kept in a kennel in a kennel at the shelter because she can jump a 6 foot fence. She is my only dog I have foster where I believe she was truly put into a position where she had to fight for her life. I have had Rook for 3.5 years... She is the best! With counter conditioning, free shaping and tons of love she has become a super star in doggy sports. She plays Flyball, agility and this weekend will try out dock diving. She even holds a "Top Dog in Breed" with the best Flyball time in UFLI!

What I am getting at, is I would love to help other BT's find forever homes. Rook has changed my life for the better and I would love to help other like her.

Please keep me in mind when dogs are in need. Thank you for your

Wonderful story Alysse thank you for sharing may I put your story and wonderful photos into an article on the network?   Are you in contact with a local BT rescue in your area?

Alysse Kinane Butler


Alysse Kinane Butler

Sure! I think I may have a few grammatical errors... Silly smart phone

I am not with a BT rescue. I don't believe there is one...

Alysse Kinane Butler


Alysse Kinane Butler

Here are a few of Rook running through the jumps. She is so fast!

Thank yon Alysse, I will help you find a rescue in you area if you like. but just to let you know we are a network and although our focus is on Rescue we have many friends from all walks of life learning and sharing together, Vets, Trainers, foster parents, rescue, transportation, owners, vet techs, world wide


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