remedies for a persistent yeast infection on dogs paws?

A:You really need to do two things - treat the symptom (the yeast infection - candida on her paws) and treat the root cause - the thing that is causing the infection to occur.
Prednizone and antibiotics can actually make the condition worse as they further suppress your dogs immune system and kill good bacteria in the digestive tract.
Grain based kibble can cause an overproduction of candida in the dog's digestive system and this leads to yeast infections.
Also if she has sugar in her diet it can destroy the good bacteria in her digestive tract. Good bacteria prevents bad bacteria from taking over - an over abundance of bad bacteria causes yeast infections.

Although yeast infections can occur anywhere on a dog, they usually affect ears. Organic Pet Digest says that's where 90 percent of yeast infections in dogs occur. Yeast infections are an overgrowth of yeast caused by fungal infection. If a yeast infection is not treated, a dog will develop more health problems. Apple cider vinegar and yogurt are both inexpensive cures easy to administer at home. Apple cider vinegar retards the growth of bad bacteria. Yogurt with lactobacillus acidophilus is a type of probiotic that will give your dog's body good bacteria.

Yogurt for Candida Albicans Yeast Infection

1Measure out 2 tablespoons to ¼ cup unflavored yogurt for a small dog and ¼ cup to ½ cup unflavored yogurt for a large dog.

2 Mix yogurt in your dog’s dry dog food. Alternately feed it to your dog separately as a treat.

3 Feed yogurt once every day as a treatment. Continue to feed it as a preventative after she no longer has a yeast infection


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