
StephanieCaputa Maddie2

In our search for snort nosed dogs who live  unusual lives we  recently were introduced to Maddie.

While most of our friends have dogs who live normal dog lives, there are a few that have chosen a different path to sniff out… Maddie is one.

Photo of Maddie provided by Stephanie Caputa

Not only is she a therapy dog, but as if that was not enough, she has a sideline of helping her owner in some unexpected ways. In fact Maddie is the first dog I have ever had the pleasure of learning about first hand.

Maddie is a 2yr old English Bulldog who has been with her owner since she was 10 weeks old,
“I'm a C.N.A at Assisted living Home. I have been bringing Maddie in as a therapy dog for the Residents, weekly.”

 StephanieCaputa Maddie

Stephanie Caputa, Maddie’s owner shares with us.  “I now own SnL Paranormal investigations. Maddie has joined us on a few investigations in private homes. And a few that are public.  She will always walk with me or ahead of me. If she stops and stares at something, I start taking pictures. Usually when we go over the pictures the next day, we see a lot of orbs right next to Maddie.  I posted them on my site you are welcome to see them, SnL Paranormal.”

 Photo of Maddie dressed for work  provided by Stephanie Caputa

How we became involved in the Paranormal?  I worked over nights in an assistant living home.  I have seen a lot of apparitions, heard voices when no one was there. I have seen a chair move, etc.

Over the years, My Fiancé at the time and I were investigating a private home. The owners had a male bulldog. The family are very good friends of ours that recommended us to them. 

StephanieCaputa Maddie3

After a while we became close to the family (and) invited them to our wedding.  Their wedding gift to us was Maddie.

That’s how Maddie became part of our family. When Maddie was 10 weeks, she was very sick.  She had a cherry eye and Pneumonia.

 sMaddiefromSnL Paranormal

WRITTEN BY: Stephanie Caputa

NOTE FROM BTN:  We want to thank Robert Coriat and his companion dog  Ozzy for introducing us to Stephanie Caputa and Maddie.

 We are pleased to add this video  link from Robert Coriat on Maddie.



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