
BTN 035WordSticker

Vinyl Window Sticker


 Lola's Treasures

BTN_035  $9.00  + Shipping
Small Sticker 8" x 4"
Vinyl   decals and graphics can be applied to any non-porous

surface. Avoid bumpy and irregular surfaces such as unpainted

wood, stucco, brick, etc....

How to apply:
  • Clean the surface on which the vinyl is to be applied to with either a window type cleaning product or soap

and water. Make sure the surface is completely dry and if you are using an alcohol based cleaner that the

alcohol has completely evaporated before applying.

  • Make sure that the temperature of the surface is between 60-80 degrees.  If needed, a hair dryer may

be used to warm up the surface. Be careflul, some surfaces may be damaged if direct heat is applied, use

your own discretion.

  • Carefully measure the surface on which the car decal is to be applied and using scotch tape, tape the decal

to the surface along the top edge in its desired location.

  • Slowly peel car decal diagonally upwards from the lower right hand corner, the clear application tape from

the decal backing. The decal itself will peel off the backing with the tape. Make sure that none of the car decal

parts stay on the backing.

  • Now that you have removed the backing, slowly lower the application tape with the car decal on it back down

towards the surface being careful not to get any creases or wrinkles in the decal.

  • With the application tape still on, squegee and press the car decal with a hard but round surface to press the

decal on and remove any air bubbles.

  • Wait 5 minutes, then slowly and carefully peel off the application tape making sure to leave the car decal applied

to the surface.

  • Larger vinyl decals can be applied in the same way as described above, however if the decal allows, you may cut

it into sections as shown below. Each section is then applied as a smaller decal.  


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