
IMG 0465I've always felt the right dog finds the right person at the right time. We take great pride in their training but who are we kidding? They're the ones who train us. These amazing creatures teach us love, patience, joy and loss. Sometimes if we are very lucky that dog is a Boston Terrier.

After my husband's death I went back to school to become a nurse. I was 40 years old and had had German Shepherds all of my adult life. That was my breed and I could never see my choice changing. Life has a way of doing the changing for you.

One day after my shift ended I drug my tired body to the time clock to punch out. That's where I met Buster and that black and white dog is the reason my life changed. I briefly talked with his owner Karen who worked in the laundry and found out she brought Buster to work several times a week. I've got to tell you it was love at first sight for us both.

I honestly don't remember how Buster ended up spending so much time with me on the rehab unit. Before I knew it he was there daily after lunch and his or "my" training began. Most of the residents on my unit were alert and recovering from orthopedic surgery or an acute illness. Seeing Buster brightened their day and made them feel more at home in the sterile setting. In no time we had a routine that helped him pass his therapy certification.

As I'm sure you'll agree, Boston Terriers are extremely smart. Most of them have great temperaments and are well behaved. Buster was brilliant. Buster was my therapy partner. Buster was not mine.


Then one day Karen informed me that she was expecting her first litter of Boston Terrier puppies. I was offered first choice. Did I really want to raise a puppy? I worked full-time and had a physically and emotionally tough nursing job. I'll be the first to admit, I was exhausted by the time I got home. I wasn't a kid anymore. Did I really want to spend the next year chasing after a puppy? Boy am I glad I said yes.

Enter my first Boston Terrier Peyton. He was the only male in that litter and he was marked EXACTLY like Buster. Peyton was Buster's nephew, his full brother's son. I met him at ten days old and had a countdown going until he could come home. Peyton may have looked like Buster's twin but he was all puppy. Hyper, hard to house break and yes, wearing me out. Yet somewhere in all that madness, I fell completely in love.

Before Peyton was two years old my back decided to fall apart. All the lifting, walking and bending had taken its toll. One major back Peytoninhisraincoatsurgery, many falls down the steps, a second revision surgery to fix the broken hardware and permanent nerve damage. Since I lived alone it was Peyton who rushed to me when I ended up on the ground. I could see the concern in his eyes. No matter how much I hurt, those Boston Kisses always made me smile. He'd stay with me until I got myself back up. That little dog fussed over me and never left my side. The bond we made is set in stone. Peyton is my heart.

I wish I could tell you my health had improved and we're living happily ever. A year after my surgery I ended up critically ill and nearly paralyzed. Remember I live alone. Hospitals don't keep you long anymore. Yes you can't really walk but we're not really doing anything for you here. So home I went with a walker and a basket full of medicine. I wanted to die. I begged God every night to please take me. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore. I fell every time I managed to get up. I crawled back to the couch. That was the state of my life.
Somebody would come by a couple times a week with groceries or to take the trash out. I was in pain constantly and if Peyton had not been there, I would not be here today. That little guy never left my side. Very slowly I rehabbed myself with my devoted companion at my side. Every month I could do something that the previous one I couldn't. It took years. Long years.

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I'll never be able to return to work or drive a car. I try not to focus on what I can't do and delight in what I can accomplish. Last year Peyton and I welcomed a little Blue Boston Terrier puppy we called Walter. As with everything else, Peyton could  be counted on to show Walter the ropes. We had him housebroken by four months and sleeping in bed with us by then too. Walter likes to smell every blade of grass and Peyton knows to rouse him to come inside. I am proud to say, we've raised a pretty amazing puppy.

Buster(L) meets Walter (R) for first time

 Peyton is now a registered service dog. My mobility issues qualify him and he is trained to help me if and when I fall. He even has a photo ID card. As with his Uncle Buster, life sort of trained Peyton too. Peyton is brilliant. Peyton is my service dog. Peyton is all mine.


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