

The Program Concepts

There is a growing problem of people pretending to be a rescue pleading for help for a “poor abused “or “medically desperate” dog. We are finding more and more of these dogs are just scams.  

By partnering only with rescues we can identify, and the long-term fosters that really do need help, when an individual sponsors a Boston through our program they know their gifts are well spent. 

On the other side of the coin most Rescues are already hard pressed to find time to screen individuals who say they want to donate or sponsor a particular dog. Our program provides a method to only bring to their attention persons who will help.

We hope that our 'Squishy-Face' Sponsor Program. will grow into a major program providing long-term funds, friends, and maybe more fosters and provide some relief to the Rescues and foster parents.

By partnering with selected 501(c)(3) Rescues, donors will be assured these are “real” rescues and the dogs “are real” and need the sponsorship. Gifts donated to this program are used to offset the sponsored dog’s care only while in foster care.

BTN has selected three rescues to start this program and are in process of identifying dogs that are classified long–term or permanent fosters.

We understand that not everyone can adopt the dogs; that’s why sponsoring that special dog whose story touched your life is a good alternative to adoption.

 Permanent (Final Refuge) Residents
These Bostons will be spending their final days in permanent foster homes, surrounded by people who love them. All are deemed too fragile to be subjected to another change in living conditions, too sick to be re-homed, or with very limited time left. They will continue to stay in our 'Squishy-Face' Sponsor Program.. Their rescue organizations are using the funding that normally would be used for their new rescues. All donations are tax deductible.

Dogs in rehab or recovery
Some of the dogs needing sponsorship, are in rehab or recovery and will be placed in adoptable when cleared. 
A dog may need heart-worm treatments, be recovering from mange, pregnant, you name the medical condition or behavioral problem, and there is a dog in rescue with the problem. OR a Boston diagnosed with glaucoma, and may need to have her eye(s) removed. The costs can vary from $1000 to $2500. This is not including the $550 for evaluation and the trips to the vet for evaluation and follow ups. Even with discounts from the vet, your donations to help these long-term foster Bostons are so helpful.

How sponsorship works
Sponsorship can come in many forms either as a donation, or a gift in kind (i.e.  donation of food, etc.) and it can be for a one-off event or a project with a long life span.
The most effective way you can make a difference in the lives of these dogs in long-term foster care, is by sponsoring one through a monthly sponsorship.
No amount is too small. You can make a direct, personal and positive impact by sponsoring a dog today.
Your sponsorship has another benefit. You help encourage the volunteers at the rescue, when they know you are there, and interested in helping the Boston they are trying so hard to help.
You have several choices available should you decide to become a hero to a dog in long-term foster.

What if you want to give anonymously and do not specify which rescue or dog to direct the gift towards?
If you do not you chose a specific dog or rescue to sponsor, your anonymous gift is used to help the neediest dog selected by our program administrator. If you wish to stay anonymous, you can check that option when making your donation. Otherwise, the contact information you provide will be shared with the participating rescue. Your payment information will NEVER be shared.

 Where does my donation go?
If you decide to donate on behalf of a Boston in long-term care, your gift will go directly to the organization that is caring for that Boston. BTN 'Squishy-Face' Sponsor Program., keeps no part of your donation. With a monthly donation in the dog’s name of your choice, you can be the sponsor of that special dog until the dog is adopted.
 What is my sponsorship money used for?
Your sponsorship contributions to the Boston Terrier Network 'Squishy-Face' Sponsor Program. is used to help your sponsor Boston. These costs could include: Advanced Veterinary Care Treatment for Heartworm, intestinal worms, Parvo and parasites, Special medical attention for wounds and infections, Surgery for major medical issues or to fix broken bones, Advanced, long–term, ongoing medical care and checkup. The money also goes towards special food for the dog, training and medical care - all with the ultimate goal of finding each dog a loving home. None of the gifts are to be used to pay a foster family or rescue.

Can I sponsor a dog as a gift for someone else?

Yes. If signing up online, please register using your details first and then in the remarks place Gift’ 'Selected Dogs'  and who the gift recipient will be and any contact informaton  They will then receive all of the sponsorship details in their name.

You can sponsor any of our current dogs in your name or in honor or memory of someone else or another pet. Just let us know that your donation is "in memory of..." with the name. A dog can be sponsored as a one-time donation or as a monthly donation in the amount you choose. (Sorry, we cannot offer billing services.) Sponsorships make wonderful gifts and memorials as well.

Dogs can have more than 1 sponsor.
Because some of the needs, especially medical care of some of these long-term fosters, are very large, sometimes it takes more than one sponsor to really help.
What if my sponsored dog is no longer in long-term foster care?
If the dog you are sponsoring crosses the rainbow , or is adopted,  we will  notify you and  give you the option of  moving your sponsorship to another dog.  If you would like to change your sponsorship to a different dog, or partnered rescue all you need to do is email us your requests.
Why sponsor?
Your Boston Terrier Network 'Squishy-Face' Sponsor Program.is reliant on the generosity of the public to help dogs in need, so by sponsoring a dog for as little as $10.00 per week, means you won’t just be helping your sponsor dog, but providing encouragement to the foster family too! With 100% of all the funds we receive going directly to program services; you know your money is well spent.

Help our Boston Terrier Network  501(c )(3) non-profit 'Squishy-Face' Sponsor Program. grow so we can help with dogs that require expensive medical care which take away funds from the rescue groups who are committed not only to save, vet, foster and find forever home but to these dogs in long term foster care.   Each time you sponsor one of our prescreened dogs, you actually give hope to many others!   You also have the added advantage that you know the gifts you give are really going to a real Boston in need and not a “rescue” in name only.

Related articles on this topic
Bostons in long-term foster care


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