Thanks to Our Guest Contributors, We are grateful
The Board of Directors of Boston Terrier Network takes this opportunity to acknowledge and thank BTN's Guest Contributors.
Boston Terrier Network has Contributors from around the world share their photos or expertise with people in BTN's official media sites, from sharing helpful tips to answering questions but that is not all. Behind the scenes we have had over the short time frame that BTN has been a 501(c)(3) there have be several others that we want at this time to thank.
We think the best way to do this is in this public forum.
First we wanted to give thanks for our amazing Guestwriters and their many contributions to our success so far. Many were with BTN when we first began in August 2014. It is their articles that caught the attention of our friends on social media. Many new readers and supporters have found these articles very helpful. We truly appreciate their contribution.
Ardyth Berens Bev McClendon Cindy Bush Debbie Rappuhn Jackie Taylor Jani Martin Nancy Helena Taylor Old Dominion Boston Terrier Rescue Rosmarie Kelly Sharon Johnson Susan Harris |
Arizona Boston Terrier Rescue Beth McBride Christy Heaton Debbie Davis Gill Sinclair Jak Lipnicky Luceybeans Schwindel Natalie Lartigue Robert Coriat Shane David McQueary Shelia Schwindel |
Contact us at if you want a link to read more of their articles.
BTN also wishes to give special thanks to the Editor that helped us when we needed it the most, JAN MITCHELL. without her help we would have never been able to get all of these articles off the shelf on time.
Because we truly believe very contribution—no matter how great or small—warranted recognition. We decided to also list the names of those that gave BTN permission to use photos of their Bostons, Pugs, Bulldogs, Pugs and Boxers (Almost forgot, and Cats).
Amy Vause, Alisha Bills, Alli Bacall Mac, Alabama Boston Terrier Rescue, Alli Bailey, Amanda Burlingham, Amy Kelley Shilesky, Andi Alford, Angel Duke, Angel Carlson, AnnLeMay , Aone Plumbing, Ardyth Berens, Arturo Santiago, Audrey Grosjean, Barbara Adams Kimmons, Becky McThompson, Bobbie Haines lekhmus, Boston Belle, Boston Terrier Rescue of Oklahoma, Brand Michelle Melton, Brandy Suzanne Ledlow Parker , Brenda Kay Johnson-Willis, Brian Beckner, Candice O'Dell, Carly Reichert Blake, Carrie Roman-Wiegand, Caryn Johnson, Casey Rescues, Celestine Winch , Charlene Bando Wolthausen, Cheryl Hoppe, ChrisMartin, Christina Delgado, Christina Marie, Cindy Bush, Claudia Lange Mugzy, Cookie Alvarado, Corinne Freaney, Courtney Bryson, Debra Dedrick, Dana Barrow Johnson, Danielle Hrubiak, Dawn Johnston Formoe, Dawn McAdams, Don Lovelace, Donna Roberts Kimbrough, Dz Love Joie, Esther Sharp, Frances Rogers Weaver, Freddie Moor Lutz Freakie, Gale Stevens, Gina Hutto, Heather Cherwaty, Heather Philbeck, Ingrid Awtrey Law, Irie Sloan, Jan Hayden Carpenter, Jan Holsinger, Janet Johnson, Janet Tharpe Etheridge, Jani Martin, Janson Daniel, Jeanne Peterson-Dubeau, Jennifer Zilinsky MarshaL, Jessica Harris, Jessica Thorn Morgan, Jeudi Porter Jervis Jill Scanish, Joanne Colangelo, Joy Chapman Hinkle, Jozette Silance, Judy Proplesch, Judy Stewart, Kaarin Emilia Raaf, Kathleen Marie Seloover, Kathy Lyon, Katie Lyons, Katie Mullane, Kelley Marie Foster, Kelli Walters, Ken McMillan, Kim Vaughn Evans,Kimberly Kindell, Kimberly M Lunsford, Kimberly Millard Harris, Kira Budiltz, Larissa Bolalek, Layla Johnson, Lezlie Megginson Johnson Gulley, Lori Lewis Crowder, Lorraine Eisele, Lucie beans, Marilyn Booker, MarkandPam Newton, Marlana Anderson, Mary Pratt, Mary Smith-Baca, Mary Sousa, Marzia Boosties Crew Donnini, Michele Bechtoldt, Michele Sharar, Michelle Mobley Ponder, Mollie Mäusekind, Natty K. Go, Pat Madascy Kidder, Patricia Reed Aparicio, Patrizia D'Milano, Patsy Hinson, Patty Hammill, Patty Hammill Jackson, Pierrette Thomassin, Pooky C Fox, Rachael Orlin, Rita Weeks, Rosmaire Kelly, Sambre Michelle, Sandy Ellis-Stoker, Sara Akasha Davis, Scott Edwards, Shannon Lauzon, Shawna Gordon-Litman, Sherrian D Lewter , Sparrow Boston, Stephanie Caputa, Steve Franco,Steve Meek, Sue Ruggeri, Susan patty Padro,Tawny Allison, Terry Brodsky, Terry Newham Chandler, Theresa Brown Penning, TJ Filipietz, Toby John Hugh Karlin, Tracey Grant Argent, Vanessa Smith Arnold, Wanda Bailie, Wendy Crow, Woofles Spahr, Wyndi Harp, Yvonne Pannifer
Many of these same friends were kind enough to share thier comments on social media and allow BTN to use their comments in articles.
We wish to thank several friends who have provided Graphic or video support:
Daniel Jason, Scott Edwards, Marlana Anderson, Jennifer De Carlo, Carly Blake and Robert Coriat.
We are equally excited to also thank those who have helped us with getting our newest program of the ground The Squishy-Face Sponsor Program.
Especially Rosmaire Kelly who agreed to take on the position of program coordinator as this program develops and grows.
Many thanks to the people who have donated to this program. This is a very young program so we really value you.
We also thank our partnered Rescues that have placed their long term rescued dogs in our program:
If we have forgotten to get your name or contrubution mentioned and you would like us to add you. Please accept our appoligies and contact us at
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