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Hello! Eiffion here again,

Today [ May 1,2016], I witnessed my first ever Bulldog meet / walk. This meet up is in Lewis, [United Kingdom] was organized by Angie Sherwood Walker, Officially The Bulldog Rescue and Rehoming of United Kingdom(BDR) as a fundraiser.  Also Melita Brett, a volunteer for BDR, Home-Vetter, and breed shower phew!!!

Of course their man folk were there to help set up and run the raffle and tea table. It has been a beautiful day. The turnout considering some couldn't make the walk, was amazing. I've never seen so many wonderful Bulldogs all in one place before. I mean I see them all the time on Facebook groups. But to be out and about among all these cuties, was so cool. I had trouble trying to hold in a brimming smile.

13148235 1564204947206859 479746758 oI knew some of the folks that turned up, which helped with the initial anxiety that goes with meeting new people for the first time. I knew Helene as we had met before. I hadn't met any of her Bulldogs so that was nice, Simon and Princess Winter were there, but alas no Olaf. I was hoping to meet Simon's show dog, as I've been following his journey in the ring and totally adore his Bulldog. It was nice to eventually meet Princess. I have been advertising her services on the website for a while now. and only just got around to meeting Simon's wife, Princess. They do doggy grooming, micro-chipping and overall fantastic pet care.

13148476 1564205123873508 1485979412 oGetting to speak to people proved awkward as Wiggles did not really enjoy herself (bless her).  I needed to keep her company but I managed to say hi to a few owners. I do not want to come across as brash but it was nice to see my donations being raffled and going off to new homes with much needed money raised for a wonderful cause. I thought as it's a Bulldog walk I'd try and get every Bulldog's name whom arrived. I was choked when one couple said their Bulldog was called Missy.  Our Boxer before Scruffy had the same name which brought back old memories.  13129033 1564205200540167 284970242 oThe pictures I took do not do the afternoons sight justice, there were Bulldogs of all sizes everywhere, from the cute little puppies, right up to the young and not so young big lads. Bounding around butt sniffing and playful natures were the order of the day. Wiggles did partake for a little while. But the commotion and all the dogs playing, was too much so we had sit out with her. I'm hopeful with the help of the folks at the walk, we may be able to integrate her with the others, without fear of any upsets in the future. Me and the girls wish to thank everyone for letting us come and join in the Bulldog fan and antics. It was a pleasure to meet you all.

Thank you to Angie and Melita, your generous tea & coffee donations plus the great amount that you raised for BDR.  I would like to add on behalf of the walk, not just for the responsibility of taking on the once a month event, but for getting this stubborn blogger out for some much needed air.  Normally, I finish my blog by saying, “Happy collecting.”  But today I will say, “WHAT A DAY!”

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Edited by Julie Bradford


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