Meet Rowan! Rowan is about 10 years old. His coat and health show neglect, but his eyes still say, "I love you." He was likely an outdoor dog that lived on a chain. He has heavy marks on his neck where a thick collar was tight around his neck. He was covered in ticks, so his skin and bald feet are now healing from them. He is heartworm positive. He was picked up by animal control and served his stray hold at the shelter, so who knows what his real story is. We can only go on the evidence that we can see. He came to us with no name and no belongings. Only him, with a sad face and poor health. He's a bit perkier now, even though he has kennel cough from having to stay in the shelter. He knows he's loved, well taken care of and he will never have to worry about anything again. He has such a sweet soul, despite the neglect. Life is good now, Rowan! Life is good! If you are interested in adopting Rowan please fill out an adoption application.


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