

So you want your Boston join you in a Thanksgiving meal? But you want to make sure it is healthy.
We have some suggestions for you to consider. We borrowed these from several sources and hope you  will find something to try.

 Our first suggestion

 Rice, Apple & Giblet Dressing
Broth from giblets gives brown rice an intoxicating flavor for dogs, and the addition of the giblets as well makes this dish suitable for a meal. This recipe can be made with a smaller amount of giblets (such as from a chicken) or a larger amount of rice when combined with other high-protein foods.
■Giblets from one turkey (liver, heart, and gizzard, about 6.5 oz)
■1 cup brown rice (dry)
■2 small apples, diced or cubed
■2 ½ cups water
Makes 12 servings (½ cup each).
Preparation: Combine water and giblets and bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes. Remove the giblets and let the water cool a bit. Spray a 2-quart baking dish with olive or vegetable oil cooking spray. Add brown rice and cooled water from the giblets and mix together well. Cover and bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove from oven; rice should be almost fully cooked with most of the water absorbed. Add chopped giblets and apples. Return to oven and bake for another 15 minutes uncovered.
Nutritional Analysis (per serving): 100 calories, 4.5 grams protein, 2.3 grams fat, 15.6 grams carbohydrates.
Optional extras: if you want to share with your dog: Dried cranberries, celery, parsley, thyme, poultry seasoning.

Quick & Easy Version: Mix giblets with cooked rice and/or vegetables.

  Here is another great idea for you to use some of your leftover turkey.dog-food-recipe-photo

Leftover turkey can be mixed with eggs and a variety of different vegetables to make a healthy meal.
■2 cups (10 oz) cooked turkey meat (light or dark, no skin), cut into pieces
■1 cup (5 oz) steamed broccoli
■1 cup (5 oz) steamed cauliflower
■4 eggs
■¼ cup plain, low-fat yogurt
Makes 8 servings (3.5 ounces each).
Preparation: Steam broccoli and cauliflower for 8 minutes or until tender, and cut into bite-sized pieces (other vegetables may be substituted; see suggestions below). Beat eggs and yogurt together. Mix turkey and vegetables together in a quiche or glass pie pan (spray pan first with vegetable or olive oil cooking spray to help prevent sticking). Pour egg mixture on top and stir, making sure the meat and vegetables are coated with egg. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes (can also be cooked at 375 degrees on top shelf if preparing at the same time as the rice dish below). Dish is ready when a fork inserted comes out clean.
Nutritional Analysis (per serving): 100 calories, 15 grams protein, 3 grams fat, 3 grams carbohydrates.
Substitutions: Zucchini, spinach, asparagus, bell pepper, green beans, or sweet potato. Chicken can also be used in place of turkey.
Optional extras, if you want to share with your dog: Garlic, oregano, dry mustard, paprika, lemon, and a little grated Parmesan cheese on top.

Quick & Easy Version: Mix leftover turkey with egg, plain yogurt, vegetables, mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, or canned pumpkin.

 Would you like to try something else?

 Mini Pumpkin Pies
Pumpkin is good for dogs, but they don’t need the extra sugar and spices found in pumpkin pie mix. This recipe uses a low-fat, low-calorie crust suitable for dogs.
■16 oz canned pumpkin (plain)
■8 oz plain, low-fat yogurt
■¾ cup wheat flour, or a mixture of all purpose and whole wheat flour
■½ cup oatmeal
■¼ cup applesauce, unsweetened
■3-4 Tbsp water
Makes 8 mini pumpkin pies.
Preparation: Mix oatmeal and flour together in a food processor. Add applesauce slowly, continuing to run processor. Add water slowly, using only enough to make a ball form (too much water will make the dough sticky).
Spray wax paper and muffin tin with olive or vegetable oil cooking spray. Roll out dough onto wax paper and cut out 8 circles, about 4” across (alternatively, divide dough into eight small balls before rolling). Press individual dough circles into bottom and sides of muffin tin. Bake at 375 degrees for 8 minutes. Let crusts cool, then remove from the muffin tin. Fill each crust with about ¼ cup (2 ounces) of canned pumpkin. Top with a dollop of yogurt.
Nutritional Analysis (per pie): 100 calories, 4 grams protein, 1 gram fat, 20 grams carbohydrates.
Optional extras: Cinnamon, ginger, and honey can be mixed in or added on top if desired.
Quick & Easy Version: Give a scoop of canned pumpkin with a spoonful of plain yogurt on top (crustless version is much lower in calories)

 Healthy substitutes for dogs

Turkey skin or drippings= Turkey meat (skinless)
Fatty ham scraps= Lean ham meat
Cooked bones= Giblets (not too much at one time)
Gravy made from drippings= Low-fat gravy
Stuffing with onions= Stuffing without onions
Candied yams covered with marshmallows= Sweet potato or yams
Mashed potatoes with butter= Plain mashed potatoes
Baked potato with butter and sour cream= Baked potato with plain yogurt
Cheese and sausage= Celery or carrot sticks
Green bean casserole with onions= Green beans
Broccoli casserole with cheese= Broccoli
Brussels sprouts with bacon= Brussels sprouts (a few bacon bits won’t hurt)
Pearl onions = Creamed corn
Applesauce with added sugar= Unsweetened applesauce
Grapes or raisins = Blueberries and dried cranberries
Apple pie =  Apple slices
Berry pie= Berries
Pumpkin pie = canned pumpkin
Nutmeg =   Cinnamon
Whipped cream or other milk products=   Yogurt (plain)
Alcohol = Water flavored with low-fat gravy


SOURCE:  www.dogaware.com


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