About Us

Boston Terrier Network

Welcome to our Boston Terrier Network

I can just imagine your first thoughts “OH NO, not another News Feed  about Boston’s! What could I possibly find here, that would be worth my time?”

But wait! This is about you, your friends and about your favorite, the American Gentleman, the Boston terrier dog. On top of that, we invite you to join us on an adventure. Yes an adventure!

We have been working on our BOSTON NETWORK since August 2014. During this time we have asked several of our friends to help us with the content. They have accepted our invitation. We continue to invite our friends and readers to  share their experiences and special dogs with us..

Because we value your experience, dedication, and affection for Boston Terriers, we want you to join us on a special adventure. This is where it may get complicated. Let me explain shortly.

Reasons why you are going to love our Network!

  • This is not just another NewsFeed, this is about you passion. We were given this opportunity to turn up our passions about Boston Terriers one more notch.
  •  BTN is an 501 (c) (3) nonprofit. Although located in North Alabama, we will be covering a lot of ground outside of Alabama.
  • We focus on Boston Terriers; however, much of what we discuss and share with you, will also be useful with many other short-nosed breeds like Bulldogs, Pugs, Frenchies and even Boxers.
  • This NewsFeed is filled with many dog lovers you will already have met on social media. We have invited our friends to help us by being guest writers, editors, researchers, and many other areas we will tell you about as we go along.
  • Our articles will be timely and meant to provide you content that will amuse, educate and inspire you.
  • We will keep this family friendly, with interesting and challenging topics that relate to your love of Boston Terriers and other short-nosed dogs.
  • You know me from the Facebook timeline, "Donna Curtis". Just as with our policy on Facebook, there will be no advertisements, unless it is related to something our readers will benefit from. We may offer from time to time special items, that will keep your pets healthy or safe, or solve a problem, and is made by our readers, or companies that offer unique items that you might be looking for.
  • Yes, we will have photos, artwork and videos provided by some of our readers, or by others that fit the Network’s mission.
  • I need to tell you at this point about the Adventure side of this Network.

I know you are tired already of hearing about “The Adventure” and it is time to let you know a little bit more about the additional vision we have for this News feed . We hope that not only will you enjoy  BOSTON TERRIER NETWORK for the quality of the articles and topics your friends write, we are hopeful that many of you will want to help us with the content.

First, in keeping with our family theme: We have a special "Secret Club" on Facebook for parents and their children by invite only.  A safe place for the sharing of artwork, sharing photos of pets, activities, poems stories and just plain fun of meeting other children who love their family pets too. If you have a young child to join you must contact us on facebook or her on the network and ask for the secret pass to join...

Among plans in the final stages is BTN' Squishy-Face Sponsor Program”         More details to come...

Here is just some of our upcoming programs  more details soon to come one each of these programs.

BTN’S Pay-it-forward, random gifts to BTN's friends
BTN's SHOP, to help fund the Medical Program
BTN'S Help a Boston Medical Program - aimed to adopted rescued dogs
BTN's 2015 Joys of Giving Christmas Gift Program - dogs in foster care
BTN's "ADOPT ME" PROGRAM -dogs looking for a home
BTN's 2016 SUPER FRIEND of rescued dogs ANNUAL award
BTN'S 2016 "WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN YOU” program- aimed and new fosters Dec-Jan time-frame
BTN's Foster Family Program- Helping to find new foster families
BTN'S ANNUAL virtual scavenger hunt-  oh no hints yet!!!
Gracie Mae's BTN's 2016 (4th Annual) Valentine Fashion Pageant

More articles and special features on some of the amazing dogs of our BTN friends


  • We will also be working on developing a special group of individuals:  As we grow we will be adding several other major projects, one of which will be to develop our own lists of approved independent individuals willing to be certified through BTN, to on occasion, help with transportation, home visits, fostering short term (over night emergency of Bostons in transport). Once developed we see these programs ideal for those who do not or cannot stay committed to a rescue, but might on special occasions volunteer to assist a known rescue group.
      •   Another major project we see in our future is one that is very dear to our founders. Identifying rescued Boston Terriers that would make wonderful Companion dogs, emotional support, Alert,  Service and Therapy dogs. The certified  for first respondents and military veterans who might otherwise be able to afford such a dog. We would aim to not only identify these special dogs, but also providing full vetting, fostering, and training on a one at a time, one on one basis. Working with appropriate existing support groups. This will be a very expensive project, but the rewards will be so great for all that help us with this… 

UPDATED 10/12/2015 



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Boston Terrier Network
We are stronger together than we are alone!

On this family-friendly website, you will find other dog owners dealing with the same issues as you . We hope you will find solutions which inspire and reassure you.


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