

We are stronger together than we are alone!

    Welcome friends, to our


 VOLUME 1, ISSUE  #                    




This is what I think we should consider starting in December 2014

1. The monthly Newsletter will contain Novembers lead ins (introductions) from published stories on the Network.
2 Hints on next months stories (titles and subject matter) (and ask for writers)
3. Back ground on one of our Gust writers
4. Update on one of the Adoptable dogs
5. Back ground on the rescue it came from
6. a food recipe challenge
7. A favorite link to another site (hopefully in future one we are able to associate with ).
8 A profile on one of our readers own Bostons.
9. Words of wisdom from our mascot "VINNY WHERE ARE YOU?"
10. One or two upcoming events from our rescues
11. A monthly contest or such were only a registered news letter reader can win
12 If the store is up a product for sale



For those who are looking for more than just getting our newsletter:

 If you have an interested in helping us, remember you are always welcome to express to us, an area that you think you might be able to contribute.We will be looking for research, video, photo, graphics help... and the list is too long for even here.

In the future we will be looking for content managers, fundraising, project managers, audio and music experience, grant writers, Handmade crafts, and so much more.  Just send your area of interest and we will be glad to add you to our growing list and when the skill is needed you will be notified. We plan to be a very active, fun seeking, positive group.

I can promise you, there will not be any room for drama. I am working on building a team of honest, ethical, people from all walks of life. Those who respect varied opinions of others, even when they may not agree, will feel comfortable here.

Your opinions at this stage of our development is critical and we appreciate your comments. Email us at info@bostonterriernetwork.com

 And please pass this invitation along to your animal-loving friends. They’ll thank you for it.

 How about accepting our gift to you of an absolutely FREE, QUICK-TO-READ newsletter?  A day-brightener that will become a special present you’ll look forward to opening each Month? 
 Boston Terrier Network offers a free monthly newsletter for Our Boston Terrier Network readers.  Your copy will show up in your email on the first Thursday of each month.


Welcome friends, Boston Terrier Network (BTN), offers a free monthly Newsletter for our readers, when you register.

BTN Profile

Boston Terrier Network
We are stronger together than we are alone!

On this family-friendly website, you will find other dog owners dealing with the same issues as you . We hope you will find solutions which inspire and reassure you.



Welcome friends, Boston Terrier Network (BTN), offers a free monthly Newsletter for our readers, when you register.



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