
1.   One Topic per Post

– This will vary a little from blog to blog depending upon your niche and style of writing. Posts that really hone in on one particular topic and communicate one main idea tend to do best.

- Most people are now reading on mobile platforms and their tend to scan content, flip between pages and not to dwell on any one thing for too long.

-Instead of a longer subject or more than one idea to share, try writing a series of posts

2. Looking for more ideas?

– Add to blog conversations. One of the great things about blogging is you can use other blogs as inspiration for article ideas. Readers can and do respond well to a good blog conversation.

– Some of the best articles have come from reader questions. They work well because if one reader wants to know a particular answer you can guess many more do too.

-- If you bumped into a friend who also likes Training dogs with the same methods as you, what would you talk about? Write on I have created an imaginary conversation partner or recalled a real person who would be interested in the blogs subject matter. You might imagine giving this person advice, discuss the latest news, or laugh about that funny thing someone did.

3.   Other areas to look at.

-- If you started over in your niche today, what would you need to know?

What would you do differently? Where would you look for information and guidance?

-- Write advice or an explanation for an absolute beginner to your niche or a facet of your blogs theme.

It can be amazing how popular even the most basic advice can be.

4. I have a problem on where to start! I know what my subject is… Now what do I do?

--The trick is to break it up into pieces.

Start looking for the chunks, look for places you can break the big subject into smaller ones.

Some ideas for where to start:     Are there obvious chunks?

– Many topics have chunks you can think of right away, for example you might talk about puppy training and technique as two chunks.



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