


Also known as BTN NewsFeed The platform we are using to publish our articles, stories, photos and interviews.


Also known as BTN NewsLetter. A monthly emailed Newsletter, based on past, current, and future content, from the NewsFeed, focused on our readers and guest writers.


An Article is some written information that you want to display on our site. It normally contains some text and can contain pictures and other types of content. (We would like not over 1500 words when possible and two photos)


On a news, newsfeed or blog, the content consists of articles (also sometimes called "posts" or "entries" or "articles") that the author(s) writes. Typically, NewsFeed authors compose their articles in a web-based interface, built into the NewsFeed system itself. Our BOSTON TERRIER NETWORK NewsFeed supports ours writers ability to submit direct to the system directly which allows authors to write articles offline and upload them later. Here at BTN we use the web-based interface and all writers can access it via an approved log-in.


Sections and categories provide an optional method for organizing our articles. Here's how it works. A Section contains one or more categories, and each Category can have articles assigned to it. One Article can only be in one Category and Section. (i.e. Adopt a pet, people, events).


Readers of our website will be able to leave comments, tips or impressions about the site or a specific article. Posting comments is one of the most exciting features of our NewsFeed. There are are nifty ways for authors of other websites to leave comments without even visiting the website! Called "pingbacks" or "trackbacks", they can inform other bloggers whenever they cite an article from another site in their own articles. All this ensures that online conversations can be maintained painlessly among various site users and websites.


Our BOSTON TERRIER NETWORK will feature an archive based on dates (like a monthly or yearly archive). Archives can also be based on categories featuring all the articles related to a specific category.


A Feed is a function of special software that allows “Feed readers" to access a site automatically looking for new content and then post updates about that new content to another site. This provides away for users to keep up with the latest and hottest information posted on different blogging sites. Some Feeds include RSS (alternately defined as"Rich Site Summary" or "Really Simple Syndication"). Dave Shea, author of the web design weblog Mezzo blue has written a comprehensive summary of feeds. Our site has an RSS Feed set up on the menu link NEWS


In a nutshell, TrackBack was designed to provide a method of notification between websites: it is a method of person A saying to person B, "This is something you may be interested in." To do that, person A sends a TrackBack ping to person B.


The pingback is generally displayed on Person A's article as simply a link to Person B's post. It is commonly believed that pingbacks do not send any content, as trackbacks do. This is not correct


Comment Moderation is a feature which allows the website owner and author to monitor and control the comments on the different article posts, and can help in tackling comment spam. Although this feature lets BTN moderate comments, & delete unwanted comments, approve cool comments and make other decisions about the comments. Spammers are relentless; because there can be substantial money involved, they work hard at their "job." They even build automated tools (robots), to rapidly submit their spam to the same or multiple weblogs.


Permalinks are the permanent URLs to your individual weblog posts, as well as categories and other lists of weblog postings. A permalink is what another web site will use to refer to your article (or section), or how you might send a link to your story in an e-mail message. Because others may link to your individual postings, the URL to that article should not change. Permalinks are intended to be permanent (valid for a long time).


Excerpts are condensed summaries of your posts.

Reviewed 23 September 2016


Welcome friends, Boston Terrier Network (BTN), offers a free monthly Newsletter for our readers, when you register.

BTN Profile

Boston Terrier Network
We are stronger together than we are alone!

On this family-friendly website, you will find other dog owners dealing with the same issues as you . We hope you will find solutions which inspire and reassure you.



Welcome friends, Boston Terrier Network (BTN), offers a free monthly Newsletter for our readers, when you register.



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