

I have been an outdoor dog my entire life. I was going to be euthanized because I chewed on the sprinkler system. I am 6 years old, crate trained and I get along with other dogs, but would do best with a buddy that is submissive. I am housebroke for the most part, but may have a few accidents if I'm left alone too long. This is due to me being an outdoor dog. I do not know how to use the doggie door, though. I live for someone's love. My favorite past times are sitting with you on the couch, going for walks and watching for critters. If you are interested in adopting me, please go to  to fill out an adoption application. And, please don't forget to share me!!

Contact Boston Terrier Rescue Of Oklahoma, fill out an application and take me home!


Contact Boston Terrier Rescue Of Oklahoma, fill out an application and take me home!
And, please don't forget to share Marley!!


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Boston Terrier Network
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Welcome friends, Boston Terrier Network (BTN), offers a free monthly Newsletter for our readers, when you register.



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