

Home treatment for parvo infection is a bad idea, when compared to hospitalization and intensive care. Mortality rises substantially and the heavy diarrhea and vomiting lead to heavy viral contamination in the home. Still, if financial concerns preclude hospitalization, home care may be the puppies only chance. Fluids will have to be given under the skin at home as will injectable medicines. ²

Expectations and General Feeding.
If caught early and treated appropriately, parvo treatment success (depending on strain) is about 80-90%.  If the puppy makes it thru the first five to seven days, your success rate increases. Once the puppy has begun to rebound, you must still complete the entire course of medicines (switch to oral if able to keep down), utilizing fluids until puppy is eating and drinking enough to hydrate himself or herself.  This can be a very intensive process and you may need to have the vet board your puppy during this time.

Desire for food generally occurs between three to seven days.  During treatment, keep testing puppies’ desire for food and ability to hold down food by utilizing pea size drops of Nutri-Cal (Nutri-Cal for Dogs is a high calorie nutritional supplement loaded with vitamins and minerals. Quality nutrition for picky eaters, dogs who are 'off food' or dogs who require an additional source of energy. Great tasting gel is easy to administer to your dog for a boost of supplemental nutrition any time.) and small oral doses of Pedialyte (Unflavored Pedialyte can restore the proper balance of electrolytes and glucose levels that will help the cells absorb and keep water.  

Remember not to mix any other type of drink with the Pedialyte except for water only). Also use the Nutri-Cal as an energy supplement, if puppy can keep down, throughout treatment.

Once the puppy shows more interest, leave out measured amounts of Pedialyte (for water and tracking intake), feed by syringe a light amount of dog food, soaked and mashed/slurred, dry or watered down canned.  Science Diet ID or AD, or Purina EN are good choices for less potential upset.  GO slow, do not force or overfeed.  

Keep in mind their GI tract is still raw.  After a couple of days of timed feedings (every four to six hours) you can increase the amount of food given until animal wants and tolerates a regular diet.

If the feces go too solid bright watery red, resembling fresh blood, things are touch and go.  At this point, continuation of treatment or vet intervention should be reconsidered as the Parvo virus can destroy the arteries in the colon. You must do what is best for the puppy.

Nutri-Cal is always very good with a puppy after parvo treatment. Get about three cc down the pooch (25# dog), two to three times a day, for protein/calories until the intestinal tract has time to heal, so the puppy can eat. Put it in a syringe and gave it by mouth until appetite picks up normally or you can rub a little corn syrup on their gums for energy.

Please remember to always discuss this and anything else you read about on the web, in regards to medical treatments, with your vet before administering.  The above info is provided for the reader’s convenience to discuss with their vet and is not meant to be the sole treatment for Parvo.

²Veterinary Partner Home

Treatment with Tamiflu
Tamiflu has been used successfully by veterinarians, shelter workers and rescue groups to treat Parvo enteritis in thousands of dogs, cats and raccoons throughout the world. ¹

Tamiflu is the best Parvo treatment - not 100%, but very effective.  The EARLIER the treatment the GREATER the success, look for symptoms and do not delay. Tamiflu should never be used to treat any animal that does not test (+) using the fecal antigen test.


All of the guidelines for using Tamiflu have been developed in cases that have had a (+) fecal Parvo test. The first 48 hours are key in Tamiflu treatment. There is also an opinion that used as a preventive; Tamiflu might be given to exposed dogs.

Dogs exposed, but are not currently showing any clinical signs, should be given 1mg/lb. once a day for five days.

These exposed dogs, if they develop one or more signs (vomiting/bloody diarrhea/anorexia), then treatment should be changed so that they are given one mg/lb. every 12 hr. for a total of 10 treatments.

Tamiflu Dosing:
Generally, treatment is a 1mg/lb. dose of Tamiflu orally every 12 hours for 10 consecutive treatments. There is a direct relationship between clinical response and the time treatment is started.

Tamiflu should be given within 48 hrs. of onset of clinical signs, if no response after the first dose double to two mg/lb. for the second, third dose, etc. Dogs that vomit after being given oral Tamiflu can be given the same dose, as an enema.

If a dog requires IV support...you need to start at least two mg/lb. or maybe four mg/lb. because if he is toxic enough to require IV support, it may be too late to use Tamiflu.

One 75 mg pill will do 10 doses for a seven and a half lb. puppy, doses at 1mg/lb.  Divide accordingly.  After making "lines" (use a knife or razor blade to divide) of the Tamiflu on a plate or smooth hard surface, for a single dose then mix with a dab of peanut butter (or maple syrup) in a small cup and place mixture on upper palate of mouth towards the back.  If showing severe symptoms add an antibiotic also, Metronidazole or amoxicillin orally.

ALSO limit fluids, pre-dose with Pepto (pediatric you want one without aspirin) to stop up loose stools and increase absorption in GI tract. In severe cases an anti-emetic and sub q fluids might be necessary. If dog foams at the mouth and vomits peanut butter mixture, switch to maple syrup or dose by enema. Use the Pepto (1/2 caplet or two to three cc's liquid) about 1/2 hour before Tamiflu if you suspect anything passing too quickly.  


 Canine parvovirus (CPV) infection better known as PARVO is a very serious virus that usually affects dogs under the age of two years old. We feel that anyone working with dogs of any breed or age should be aware of this virus and the preventive measures to reduce risks. We recommend you first contact your vet to veify use of any of the protocals above. There might be other health issues to consider.


What is Parvo? Canine parvovirus (CPV) infection is a relatively new disease that first struck the canine population in 1978. 

Dogs under the age of two years old are the most at risk of becoming infected with Parvo.

PARVO, Keeping the virus from spreading


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