



I readily agreed to write this article on Excessive Licking because of my 5 year old Boston Terrier who was driving the household crazy with his paw licking.

We’ve been extremely lucky to have found Apoquel, a new anti-itch drug for dogs that our vet recommended. Within 2 days Peyton quit the paw licking and as long as he takes his pill, he remains a totally different, happy pup. It has relatively few side effects compared to other canine drugs used for allergic licking. The only problem I’ve encountered is its availability. Due to the complex manufacturing process, Zoetis cannot keep up with the demand. They’re hoping by 2015 to accelerate production. This brings us to the most common reasons dogs compulsively lick or chew at themselves or other things.

Excessive Licking


  • Food or environmental triggers such as mold or pollen
  • Skin irritation from substances like pesticides or soap, called dermatitis


  • Try feeding limited ingredient, quality dog food
  • Chicken and grain are the most common food allergies
  • Give at least 2 months on new food to see results
  • Taper off current diet to avoid gastrointestinal problems
  •  Boston Terriers fall into the category of sensitive skin and/or the chance of allergies
  • Allergy medications usually work in 48-72 hour



  • Humans bite their nails or twist their hair in response to anxiety
  • Dogs response to emotional distress can be Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) behaviors such as excessive licking
  •   Can become serious physical ailment with skin damage & secondary infections
  • May lick the air, other dogs, furniture or themselves
  • Often accompanies fears
  • OCD medications may take 2 weeks to show improvement


  •  First rule out physical reasons
  • Consider holistic therapy such as acupuncture and massage
  • Water therapy, swimming & treadmill can soothe their mind
  • Anxiety can be caused by lack of exercise
  • Redirect their fixation on licking with physical activity
  • Never reward licking. Only give appropriate affection or attention when in a calm state



  • Caused by variety of factors including winter weather, artificial dry indoor heating and fatty acid deficiencies



  • Try moisturizing shampoos and oatmeal baths
  •  Supplements such as Vitamin E



  •  Not producing enough thyroid hormones or too much cortisol


  •   Get treatment for medical conditions from your vet



  • Licking or biting paws can be from nail issues, thorn or stone stuck in paw pad


  • Carefully inspect paws
  • Compulsive licking or chewing can be a response to orthopedic trouble including arthritis and hip dysplasia
  • Always rule out physical problems first and treat as directed by your vet



  •  Fleas, ticks and mites


  • Ticks are often visible, but fleas may not be until there is a large infestation. Mites are microscopic
  • Don’t assume your pup is not suffering from parasites just because you can’t see them
  • Use preventive flea & tick medications and treat your indoor environment to rid of fleas

licking2 Hopefully this article will give you a starting point to eliminate the excessive licking your dog is displaying. I’ve shown you some easy steps you can take at home, but always remember having lab work done by your vet should be the next option if the licking hasn’t stopped. It’s important to ensure that your best friend is healthy and medical reasons can be excluded. Good Luck!

NOTE FROM BTN: "I have also seen a dramatic response recently with  Apoquel on two Jack Russel's who were having to take allergy shots up till being introduced to this medication "
Cesar Millan


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