
Snoopy-dreaming-550Some of the experienced dog owners tell me that dogs do not need treats. My vet tells me if I must give a treat, to use the dog's food kibble, act like it is a treat. I know some people who feel so guilty about leaving their "kids" behind when they leave the house that they give a treat (or two or three), and more when they return.  My vet tells me to quit trying to make my dogs human. They do not get bored eating the same food every day.

It is me, thinking how tired of the same food every day would be to me. The dogs do not care what I give them as long as they get a lot of attention and a good rub. "If they are hungry they will eat."

Okay  I have to agree with that... But I can't enjoy my "treats" of chocolate cake or other foods that are not good for the dogs. Those eyes, you know which ones I am talking about.  I have found a compromise, I make them homemade dog treats. I have several valid reasons (read:excuses). Homemade dog treats are a fun way to add healthy variety to their diets. Besides, I enjoy the satisfaction of their eager begging for MORE, MORE, MORE!  I do make sure my enjoyment of making these treats are balanced with ingredients that are good for the dogs. I look for ingredients that they may not be getting normally in their regular diets.  Keeping in mind what my dog friends and vet has told me about all those extra calories that they do not need, I only give them one a day, usually just before bedtime.

 Here is the latest addition to my growing "cookbook" files of Dog treats.

This is the next one I will make for the "kids". What do you think, will they like them?

Cheese Bone Dog Cookies

Ingredients: boneshapehomemadetreats1

2 cups unsifted all purpose flower

1/2 cup vegetable oil

1 1/4 cups shredded cheddar cheese

4 1/2 Tablespoons water (up to 5 Tbs.)

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

Instructions for Cheese Bone Dog Cookies:

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Combine flour, cheese, garlic and vegetable oil in container of food processer. Cover, mix until mixture is consistency of coarse meal. While mixer is running, slowly add water until mixture forms a ball. Divide dough into 12 equal pieces. Roll out each piece to 1/2" thickness. Cut out bones. Transfer to ungreased cookie sheet.. Bake in preheated oven for 10 to 15 minutes or until bottom of cookies are lightly browned. Carefully transfer bones to wire rack to cool completely. Refrigerate in airtight container.



Dog Bone Cookie Cutter
Cookie cutters are not just for making cookies... Use them for soaps, candles, package tie-ons, or cut shapes from play dough and sculpy turning them into ornaments, use for stamping and more. These are food safe.


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