
239 vinnysnewAgent1WOW, We just had a SURPRISE!

It looks like our BOSTON TERRIER NETWORK has attracted the attention from an unexpected area. We were visited by an agent, yes an agent.  We have been informed that we where getting a MASCOT. Now this is looking serious, so we decided to agree. This agent was very convincing. (photo is of the NEW agent. MR. EARNIE)

  So it is with great pleasure we want to introduce BOSTON TERRIER NETWORK's  new Mascot Vinny.

 This is not just any Mascot.  One of the most striking things you will notice is that Vinny is not a Boston. Yes, this is true. Moreover, you will be wondering  just how a non-Boston can be a Mascot for a Network dedicated to Bostons… I can only tell you that it is not advisable to argue with Vinny or Vinny's  new agent  Mr Ringo (hired by JO JO, Vinny's Manager) .

We have also been told that Vinny has a manager named JO JO, and personnel assistant named Gracie. (No not our Gracie Mae, the Boston that hangs out at my place.)

We understand that when Vinny discovered we were lacking a Mascot for the network, he took it upon himself to correct this deficit. We decided after talking to him, we did indeed need a Mascot. I told you he and his agent and manager are very convincing. Vinny says he is very good at communicating with not only Bostons, but also their humans.

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Vinny just burst upon the Network, and will soon be known as a canine icon known around the world for his cheeky antics. 

We caught up with Vinny to hear all about the pressures of being a canine icon.

BTN asks  "Vinny, you are on your way to becoming a canine icon and network legend.

We are honored to speaGRACIE 053k to you today. We understand you are not alone, we are getting a team of Mascots. Is that correct? Can you also tell me who these other mystery dogs are? I understand from our earlier conversations that you will introduced them to us in a week or so and they will help you with this important job. "


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Vinny's reply   "I never roll alone!! I don't want to say to much yet, but I have one special Boston who technically is my sister. But, she sometimes thinks she's my mom. My humans rescued her from a pet store in California.  She has some stories to tell about her journey from a Oklahoma puppy mill, all the way to a pet store in San Diego.   The other special girl in my life, is a English Bulldog like me!! And yep, another rescue, My humans pulled from a shelter in North Arkansas. Her story, I pray will help others to know what we suffer from.. Stay tuned for all of our stories coming soon!



 BTN asks    

"GRACIE 053Our Boston Terrier Network is growing by leaps and bounds. We are going to break nearly our readership goals, and it is very exciting! What made you decide that we needed a Mascot?"  Tell us something not many people know about you.

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A. Vinny's reply    I once dreamed that I was offered the role of the new K9 in a Doctor Who movie, but I could not do it owing to other touring commitments! We also could not agree on the number of sausages I should be paid per episode!


Q. What career path would you have chosen if you had not gone into the world of being a mascot?

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A. Vinny's reply    If I had not gone into the world of entertainment, I think I would definitely be running a sausage factory, because sausages are my favorite food! I also enjoy digging for bones, so there is a very good chance I would have become a Professor of Archaeology at Oxford or Cambridge! 


Q Vinny I hear that you are part of a family choir is this true? Who is your musical influence?


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A. Vinny's reply   Not many people know that my musical taste is sophisticated and diverse! I enjoy songs about sausages, bones, dogs, and also bones, and dogs, and sausages! Songs about kennels and howling with my housemates GRACIE and Jordon also inspire me. We are really good especially when we get our Human Dad to sing along. We can really put out the volume then…


Q. Mottos. Most of us have them, what would you say yours would be?

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A. Vinny's reply       My motto is to "start each day by dancing." It is a saying my mum taught me and I will never forget it! I think Jordon's motto should be "silence is golden, with black ears" and I think Gracie's motto is , “Stop digging for bones in my wardrobe!" I am not sure if that is her actual motto, but she says it to me a lot.


Q. If you were to swap roles with either another canine icon for a day; who would you choose to swap roles with and how do you think they’d cope being you? what would you most love about being them?

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A. Vinny's reply I think it would find it hard being me for a day, because I am the superior intelligence here at the BOSTON TERRIER NETWORK. I think they would be overwhelmed! I would really like to be like Chopper that Boston that rides all over the place, because then I would have all the other Bulldogs paying attention to me to!  I would be able to have humans sending me lots of treats and asking for paw prints! Also I’d be able to get my face printed everywhere!


A. We are really looking forward to you monthly Newsletter spot. I think you will being a special segment called “Wisdom of the Month”, for dogs only.   What is that going to be about?

IMG 3568Q. Vinny's reply   - I will answer questions that have puzzled dogs about human behavior. I have been around humans for a few years now and I have seen my fair share of human shenanigans. Some of my dog brethren and sisters have been asking for some explanations, I hope to be able to answer some of their questions. 


A. Describe the last time you woofed, out loud because of something you saw another dog do.


IMG 3568Q.Vinny's reply   It was one of the best laughs I’ve ever done! Sometimes I can only manage a slight snigger, or a little wobble of my belly, but this was one of the loudest laughs ever! In fact it made my cheeks hurt a little bit! It lasted for approximately one minute and thirty-nine seconds! I will never forget it  That Bulldog Ozzy just cracks me up!


A. If you were castaway on an island and had to choose 6 songs to take with you, what would you choose and why?

IMG 3568Q.  Vinny's reply    Hound Dog by Elvis Presley, I Wanna be your Dog by The Stooges, Puppy Love by Donny Osmond, Black Dog by Led Zeppelin, Atomic Dog by George Clinton, Dogs are Everywhere by Pulp, I am not sure why I like these songs so much but they cheer me up every time I hear them!


A. What is your current favorite… TV show, Book, Film, YouTube video?

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Q. Vinny's reply     "Yah know I don't have much time fo intertainment.. but some I know everyone might be familiar with that i kinda like are:
TV show – The Dog Whisperer.
Book – The Hundred and One Dalmatians by Dodie Smith.
Film – Lassie Come Home.
YouTube video – Gangnam Style.


Q. And finally, There are more than THOUSANDS OF dogs in rescue across the USA every year. Being a dog you have a unique insight, what would you say to encourage people to give a rescue dog a second chance and consider adopting?

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A. Vinny's reply      I think people should definitely adopt their own dog, as dogs are really cheerful, friendly and full of energy. If they’re anything like me they’re really, really, really, really, really intelligence!

Many Thanks Vinny! 

 You just never know what is going to happen next around BTN.  Already, in just a couple of hours, we have announced our new masscot Vinny, lost an agent  and have gained a new one...More about Mr. EARNIE later..... 


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Boston Terrier Network
We are stronger together than we are alone!

On this family-friendly website, you will find other dog owners dealing with the same issues as you . We hope you will find solutions which inspire and reassure you.



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