
249 0194Protect Your Dog From Cold Winter Months:

Just checked our weather, it is only 27° outside right now in North Alabama. It is 2:00 pm, this will be the high for today. Our weather forecast tonight is 19° and feel like 14°.  All the roads will remain frozen, covered in ice. Yes, I did say North Alabama.
No, we are not at all comfortable with this temperature.  Our yard is covered in crusty frozen snow and it is cloudy.  On top of all of that there is a cold breeze blowing.
Brrr it is just awful cold and frigid weather presents the same problems outside and even with coats on, our dogs are having the same problems that humans do. These temperatures are especially horrid for our warm weather conditioned Boston Terriers and other short haired dogs. My heart goes out to the dogs that do not have indoor places to go.


  • If your dog is uncomfortable in the cold, expect him to shiver or hold up his paws as he walks. Left outside for extended periods of time, your dog can experience frostbite or hypothermia. Look for discoloring of the skin, especially on the ear tips and other extremities.
  • Salt or other ice-melting chemicals, as well as antifreeze, can be extremely hazardous and life-threatening for the dog that ingests them. Road salt also can cause sores if it becomes lodged between your dog's footpads.
  • Dogs at risk from the cold and winter-related hazards, whether they live indoors or outdoors, need special care.
  • If you find any signs, contact your veterinarian ASAP.249 0217

Here are a 14+ tips:

  • Every year we buy several bales of straw to put out for the Bostons to walk on and we have been so thankful to have them this year. If it is not freezing cold it is raining or sleeting ice cold water onto the walkways or blowing onto the patio. At least, we are able to move the straw around giving them a safer walkway and a dryer place to do their business.

Although I cannot imagine a dog being out in this cold, I know some dogs can, and do, fine like the double coated Husky and similar breeds. But at least do this if your dog stays outside, under a porch or in a dog house. 

  • At least let them inside a garage or shed during the coldest parts of the night or day.
  • Newspaper makes great insulation to put under where the dog sleeps so the dog is not sleeping or laying directly on the frozen ground, and you can find that any time of the year.
  • Straw, pine-needles even tree leaves have insulation value against the deep cold of a frozen ground.
  • Large bath towels, old pieces of carpet, floor runners, or mats are also so helpful against the cold.
  • Cover with plastic sheeting, painters plastic protective sheets (used when painting inside), old blankets, and flannel sheets and bed covers. Place them over your dog's sleeping area for extra warmth.
  • Your dog may like to sleep on the floor heating vents that can catch the identification tags attached 249 0189to his collar. If your dog likes to snooze over a floor vent, put his tags in a Pet Pocket which attaches to his collar.
  • In cold weather your dog will need more energy to fight the cold in the form of extra calories, so don't be afraid to offer him additional food in the winter.
  • Be sure to wipe off your dog's paws when he comes in from the outside to prevent salt and other chemicals from sticking to his feet.
  • Keep antifreeze out of your dog's reach and be sure to clean up any that may have spilled in the garage or driveway.
  • If your dog is accustomed to living the good life indoors, don't allow him to stay outside for extended periods of time in cold weather.
  • Make sure the older and sick dogs have a warm, draft-free place to sleep.
  • Since warm air rises, offering him a bed off the floor will add extra warmth and comfort for winter dreaming.
  • Don't allow your dog to be off leash in a snowstorm or ice storm. If he gets lost, he will not be able to use his sense of smell to find his way home.
  • If your dog is short-haired, elderly, or sensitive to the cold, even for short walks, consider purchasing a sweater. Even better, use loose layers of a coat over the sweater for him to wear in cold weather. Don't forget to try ear coverings and boots.

Consider purchasing the new thermal dog beds or a heating pad especially designed for pets.

We would be glad to hear from you if you have more ideas on how to keep our pets warm, safe, and healthy during these frigid times.

249 LaylaJohnson


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