
skunk1The first time I saw a skunk was at a "dude" ranch. Me and some school friends  had saved up some money, sweet talked our moms and arrived at this strange place in the "wilds" outside of San Antonio Texas. Filled with high expectations for some it would be our first close up of a horse, much less all of the amazing other critters that lived there... Who would have imagined. 

To our delight and amazement there were all sorts of wild critters that wondered past us as we stood waiting for the owners to bring us our steeds, taking in the ragged old cabin complete with ricked front porch and rocking chairs. A loose flock of chickens complete with chicks busy pecking a bugs or what ever chicks and hens peck at. It was a hot summer day but we did not even noticed...That is when we in totally amazement we watched a  family yes a family of skunks come casually right around the old barn and past the chicks and hens and right in front of us. The mom and a at least three or four baby skunks strode right past us...  not even acknowledging our existence...We were told "No they were not de-skunked" meaning they were fully armed.  We were also shown a giant beehive that had built right there in the window on the front porch. Wow...  We did manage to all get a ride on some old horses  But I do not remember much about the ride. We were about 12.

Many years later and my only other  experience with a skunk was a lot more up close and we were living way out in the country closestcatlikesknuk town was Atlas, Oklahoma. Our closest neighbor was probably a half a mile away...  At the time we had a black kitten who had a white chest and neck strangely the exact opposite markings of a skunk...  One morning I will never forget I to my horror discovered a kit (baby skunk) had drifted into our barn... and had found our kitten... OH MY GOODNESS   How can I get the cat away from the skunk without both the cat and me and the barn being sprayed?  That is when I started to relax,  (a little) the Kit was acting just like another cat.. I remember reading somewhere that they were behaviorally very similar to cats and unless frightened may not spray..  The two young ones were checking each other out trying to see who they were... Looking around I found either a broom or a rake I do not remember now and bravely slowly and gently tried to push my kitten away from the skunk  they never even acknowledge I existed and I was able to get the kitten far enough away from his new friend that I was able to pick him up and dash out of the barn hoping the critter would soon leave.   I was so relieved....   A couple hours later when I returned  the kit was gone...

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But some people are not so lucky as with this statement from a friend a couple years ago

"Oh goodness my house is going to smell for days. He's just fine, just smells horrible. "

Another reader responded.
"Good luck!! you may want to get some of the dog cologne. the smell tends to linger after they get wet for awhile too!   We use cans and cans and cans of tomato juice when ours got sprayed. Natures miracle has a sunk potion that works much better than that. Good luck, my friend..."

Here is one formula that many have used from household items may in your kitchen

Skunk Wash Formula

1 quart of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

1/2 cup of Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)

1 teaspoon of liquid soap

Mix together to make a shampoo for your furry pal.

Rinse well to remove the shampoo from the fur after vigorously shampooing.

You may need to double or triple this recipe depending on the weight of your dog.

Some of our readers also suggest this commercial product

 Natures Miracle Skunk Odor Removal for Dogs!http://www.isavea2z.com/natures-miracle-skunk-odor-removal-for-dogs


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