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When Noelle's mom moved into senior housing

How it starts:

Five years ago I found Dixie, my now 6 year old Boston, abandoned along the side of the road in my rural neighborhood. She was skinny and dirty and was nursing 4 1-month old puppies. Dixie came to live with me and her puppies all found great homes with the help of my local Boston Rescue group.

Dixie and her cat buddy Joe


But this isn't Dixie's story.

About 3 years ago a friend of mine called me to say she had an 8 year old Shih Tzu that belonged to an acquaintance it was in her car. She needed me to take the dog, as she couldn't since her dogs were all big and might hurt the little dog. The problem she told me was that her acquaintance was currently homeless and desperate. I agreed, and Noelle came into our lives the first time. Noelle's coat was matted, she had fleas, and she was behind on her shots and heart worm prophylaxis. First stop, the vet; Next stop, the groomer.


It turned out that Noelle had actually belonged to the acquaintance's mother. When the mother could no longer live alone, she moved into senior housing, but could not take Noelle with her. Fortunately, her daughter was willing to take Noelle. Unfortunately, the daughter worked 2 jobs so was never home and had a boyfriend with a big dog who did not like Noelle. Noelle went from a beloved companion to a cared for but mostly ignored problem.

We had Noelle for a couple of months. She didn't want to play with Dixie, but they learned to get along. Dixie mostly ignored Noelle. Noelle loved to sit in my Mom's lap and take naps with her. She was groomed, had gained a few pounds, learned to get along with Joe the cat, was up to date on her vaccinations, and was on heart worm prophylaxis and flea treatment. She went for walks. She growled at Dixie whenever Dixie pushed her out of the way or tried to play, but they got along ok otherwise. However, once Noelle's owner found a new home she did come to get Noelle. I told her we would happily take her if needs be and never expected to see her again.

My friend knew that Noelle was not getting much attention where she was living. She talked to her acquaintance more than once about giving Noelle up. It was hard. Noelle had belonged to her mother. She was loved. It is just that there wasn't the time or the money to give her the care she needed. No one was at fault. It is just the way things were. Ultimately she did the best thing for Noelle, she gave her up so that she could get the care and attention she needed.


Noelle came back to live with my family. She sits in my Mom's lap and takes naps with her. She goes on walks with Dixie and me. She still growls at Dixie but they get along ok. She has gotten use to Joe, who is bigger than she is. I send pictures to her former family. They still love her, they just could not, due to changes in their circumstances, give her what she needed.


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