


Support Program

We will be asking for names of Boston Terriers that did not receive anything from BTN'S "2014 JOYS OF GIVING CHRISTMAS GIFTS BOSTON ELVES" or any of the several other programs sponsored by our friends on social media.

We will be sending out several Coats, Blankets and other items that have been sent to us. If you know of any BTs in need, be sure to contact us with their names and addresses.

Program start date:

  JANUARY 24TH, 2015

IF you know of a Boston Terrier that would benefit from some gentle used and new donated items, we would like to be put in contact with the owners and families.


BTN has several items we would like to send to them. Due to the different sizes of coats, collars, blankets, and other items we will try to match our items with the individual Boston.  If you are interested in helping BTN pay for the cost of shipping these items please contact us at info@bostonterriernetwork>.com .

BTN will gladly accept donations for this program all year long, with the intent to continue to ship to any Boston in need.  So if you have gently used items that you no longer need thanks to a generous Santa, or you just love helping Bostons in need and would like to help, please contact us. We have several choices for you to consider.

1. You can ship the items direct to us, for BTN to hold, until we find a Boston that can use the items.

2. You can help with the cost of shipping, by sending a donation to help cover the cost of postage.

3. If you prefer you can send us photos of the items you would like to donate to a Boston in need, and when we find a match we will let you ship direct.

When we ship from BTN, we will be posting the photos of available items on our FB page, and indicate where the items went. We wil provide these items at no cost to the families of these Bostons. 

Just another way that BTN would like to help those who have adopted rescued Boston Terriers, or who currently are foster parents of a rescued dog.

We believe in total openness and respect, of all our friends and readers who are interested in helping with this program. Please do ask your questions or tell us of your concerns.

BTN is always interested in other ideas on how to help Bostons in need and in finding ways to support those who do rescue, transport, and foster Boston Terriers. And to help the individual Dogs.


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Boston Terrier Network
We are stronger together than we are alone!

On this family-friendly website, you will find other dog owners dealing with the same issues as you . We hope you will find solutions which inspire and reassure you.



Welcome friends, Boston Terrier Network (BTN), offers a free monthly Newsletter for our readers, when you register.



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