
What Is a Heart Dog Anyway?

Heart Dog: What Does it Mean?

I’ve heard people use the term with a range of meanings. Some people seem to feel like every dog they’ve ever had is a heart dog. That doesn’t make any sense to me. To me, that would be like falling madly in life-long love with every person you’ve ever dated; it’s illogical and unlikely!

the concept of dog soulmate or ‘heart dog’ is laughable. And I’m sure deep down you know this. If your dog is truly your ‘heart dog’, prove it. Unleash him on your next walk. See if he runs. Has he ever run away from you before? I’ll bet he has and I bet he ran without a second thought of you.

I just think the whole heart dog thing is delusional and unhealthy. Like a child, who truly loves a stuffed animal or a security blanket. The love that child feels for the blanket and the child’s emotional dependence on the blanket is certainly real; but that doesn’t mean the blanket loves the child back.

How do you pick?? Sean made it easy on me. Sean picked ME. I pulled out the three males, put them as far away from me as possible, and waited to see who came to me. Every time, Sean made a beeline to me. Every time. So it was decided. And we have been inseparable ever since. I can list off things that he and I do that by outward appearances doesn’t seem all that special, but there is just that inner click/connection there.

When I came across this term today on the internet I knew I had finally found the meaning of the relationship with Jackson and me.

We clicked, is the only way I can describe it, the black and white male. My husband had never had a dog inside his home but I sat him down and explained that I could not describe the connection I felt with this adorable dog and I had never wanted anything as much as this dog.

It’s been two years out of the mill. Dexter is 13 and a half now. He may not have any teeth. He can’t really see the best. His knees are a wreck, but Dexter is absolutely perfect to me.

After a couple of years fostering puppy mill survivors, I can tell you that, yes, it is a lot of work gaining their love and trust, but I can honestly say it’s totally worth it. Once you’ve experienced what one of these guys can give, it’s absolutely incredible. Most have been through so much. They have had their bodies and spirits broken in the name of the almighty dollar, but they are so resilient. My God, are they resilient.

I understand that you feel that dogs aren’t children, but for me, mine are. I don’t have human children, and I really don’t want any. For me, they are my kids. I am responsible for them. They look to me for everything. I love them unconditionally. My love for them is just as strong as someone’s love for their human children. We were hit by those nasty storms that swept through the southeast earlier this week. My biggest concern was keeping Dexter and my other furkids safe. I was more concerned for their safety than I was for my own. Some people think that is crazy, but I made a promise to all of them that when I adopted them that they would have the life they should have had all along. I plan on keeping that promise

I loved my other dogs, and missed them when they were gone, but not like I miss Rocket. He was my special guy. We played flyball together for several years and traveled around to attend various matches. I suppose this contributed to the bond – I didn’t do dog sports with my other dogs. I loved him and appreciated him all the while I had him, but it wasn’t until he was gone and I had to come to grips with the giant hole he left behind that I began to fully appreciate the full extent of what he meant to me. I don’t think it would have occurred to me to call Rocket a heart dog when he was alive, but I now that he is gone, I can certainly say, that Rocket was my heart dog –


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