
Rudy - The Boston Terrier

Lately, I have been reading a lot of threads in various boston terrier groups discussing the history of the boston terrier breed which demonstrate some confusion about the history of boston terriers, including some who incorrectly believe that these dogs were created by mixing pitbulls with bulldogs, created to hunt rats and other vermin, and created initially with the purpose to be fighting dogs. After spending some time researching the history of the boston terrier breed, the below should clear up such confusion and chronicles the true and accurate history of how and why boston terriers were created.

The english white terrier was the first dog breed people created to serve exclusively as companion dogs and not working dogs. However, the white terrier had many health problems so the boston terrier was created in the late 1800s as the first dog breed created in the United States by mixing the white terrier with the english bulldog with the intent of creating a more healthy companion dog. The original dogs created from this mix were more than twice the size of the modern boston terrier and are referred to as olde boston bulldogges. Soon thereafter, the english white terrier went extinct because people stopped breeding them due to their health problems. However, things did not turn out as planned at first for the boston terrier. At the time of the first olde boston bulldogges, the original form of the english bulldog (which the modern english bulldog hardly resembles) was a very fit, and perhaps, the single most vicious, fierce, and aggressive fighting dog ever known where they were commonly used for bull baiting -- a brutal form of dog fighting in which english bulldogs (hence the name) were used to fight and kill bulls many times larger and stronger. Consequently, olde boston bulldogges not so surprisingly took on much of the english bulldog's aggressive nature toward dogs and other animals (but even the very first olde boston bulldogges were very sweet, loyal, and loving with people which I attribute to the white terrier half). Accordingly, even though boston terriers were created with the original intent to serve as companion dogs, boston terriers were at first not used for this purpose and instead used primarily for dog fighting. Once dog fighting lost popularity in the early 1900s, olde boston bulldogges was bred down in both size and temperament to fulfill their original intended purpose of being companion dogs which has now become the modern boston terrier.


The below article is an excellent source for some of the very early history of the boston terrier and its fighting dog origins.


The below article is also an excellent source for some of the very early history of the boston terrier, and particularly the olde boston bulldogge.


The below article is an excellent source of information about the english white terrier which although extinct today, still has a big imprint on the dog world as it has served as the foundation for the creation of several other dog breeds, including the boston terrier.


The below is a very well known article on the english bulldog which provides some good information about how much the breed has changed, mostly for the worse, and provides a glimpse into the original and very fierce version of this breed used as the foundation for the creation of the boston terrier.


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  • Donna CurtisHello this Donna with Boston Terrier Network... Today you posted on our page additional information about the Boston Breed that I had not come across before.. I would like so much to Publish your article on our Website. We are always looking for guest writers who have a story to tell or an experience to share.

    My experience with the Boston is only from the rescue side. My goal is to present a wide base of balanced informative positive articles that encourage those who have or want to have Bostons to be aware of the many pros and cons of owning a dog and the responsibility of taking care of them. Although no longer fostering or rescuing myself I continue to find ways to support those who do.

    Boston Terrier Network

    bostonterriernetwork.comWe are stronger together than we are alone!

    Rudy - The Boston TerrierSure feel free to post anything of Rudy's on your page. The only thing that I ask is you provide Rudy credit for it and include a link to his facebook page. Otherwise, have at it. Also, the below is another one that I think will interest you. https://www.facebook.com/Rudy.The.Boston.Terrier/photos/pb.419688311406386.-2207520000.1424916379./763576480350899/?type=3&theater


    One of things that make boston terriers such a great breed is their bigger than ... See More

    By: Rudy - The Boston Terrier

    Donna CurtisAbsolutely that is the only way we do things... we in fact have had to insist when we have a guest writer is to have the writer or video maker or proof reader take credit ... I am all about giving credit where due.. How do you want me to put it "Rudy _The Boston Terrier" or something else? Do you have a photo of Rudy we can use? I will let you know when we get it up proofed and ready to publish.. And i love your other link you suggested i would love to add that also...So we need to have at least one photo of Rudy.... we will have him introduce both articles on the network which is then linked to the Page then the timeline... all open to the public

Rudy - The Boston TerrierUse "Rudy - The Boston Terrier" (hyphen no underscore) and make it a hyperlink which is linked to his facebook page.. As far as a Rudy picture, just click on the photos tab at the top of his facebook page where you find over 500 of them. Take your pick. Lastly, even more popular than Rudy's facebook page is his youtube channel where you find some very unique boston terrier videos and something I think you will enjoy checking out. Below is a link to his channel and feel free to use any of those also. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQNCw_mMTrkr-GRjMtEta8g
www.youtube.comThis channel consists of videos capturing some of the more entertaining moments in the life of Rudy, the boston terrier, as well as some other amusing and in...
Donna Curtis
Donna Curtiswe can link them also onto the network I was thinking about naming the first article "Rudy has a history lesson for us. or something like that unless you have a better idea?

  • Rudy - The Boston TerrierIf you use the graphic, then I like "Rudy Explains That The Best Way To Understand Boston Terrier History Is To Do Some Boston Terrier Math". If you do not use the graphic, then I like "Rudy Explains Why And How Boston Terriers Were Created".
    Donna Curtisthat will work thank you i may need to shorten the title a bit but I will show you first...
    Rudy - The Boston TerrierSounds good and thanks.

    Maybe for the first article "The 'How' And The 'Why' Boston Terriers Were Created".


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