
Hello Shelby West, I just saw your photo of the dog with the awlful ear problem that you rescued. I was wondering what was the cause and underlying causes. I am one of the admins to the auction and are so glad we are doing an auction for your rescue. Although at this time I am no longer actively fostering at this time I do support rescues in many other ways one of winch is educating our dog lovers of some of the ways to prevent these kinds of health issues I would like to do an article on our network and wondered if you would share with me some of the background?Shelby West

  • 2/10, 2:38pm
    Shelby WestHi Donna. I'll get more info on Betty or get you in touch with someone closer to her care! Thanks!

  • Shelby West

    2/10, 4:11pm

    Shelby WestHi again: The lady that has taken Betty in does not own a computer. I did find out her ear issues were unattended allergies.
  • Donna Curtis

    2/10, 6:22pm

    Donna Curtisokay thank you i would like to purse this story if you can help us.

Shelby WestHere's a write up on her from the lady who picked her up: Her owner surrendered her to the shelter about 3 hours from my home. The information left for us was that the original owner had given her to him not wanting to deal with her anymore. The man gave her up saying he couldn't afford vetting costs. They got a surrender form and called us at Milagro Boston Terrier Rescue. I drove to pick her up to find her extremely congested, first stop, my vet after a very painful pass through the mountains. This is years of damage according to our vet. After a laser treatment to help with the pressure and inflammation, antibiotics for the inner ear she was driven 3.5 hours to Albuquerque to a specialist. The determination was that she could have them removed, but needed to finish the antibiotics first. We then decided we needed to get to the bottom of the allergies. Food regimen by our local specialist Loren. After some healing from the inside out, she had the surgery to remove the polyps. This is a fact not an assumption that her condition was from not looking for a cure and treating her when the signs first presented. Not everyone intentionally does this sort of thing. Many do not partner with a vet who can help with a treatment plan early enough to keep the fur babies from suffering or getting this severe. This possibly could have been avoided by a no grain diet as early as puppyhood. We will never know for certain. The GREAT NEWS: she is going to an allergist, eating a wonderful no grain special diet and a very happy, healthy girl now!


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