
10561627 707680742602041 9084073343669515286 nBack in April 2015 launched a provisional assessment of a new program we are calling BTN’S “Save a Boston” Medical Fund Program. We agreed to help a very special person named Mark and his very sick and beloved rescued adopted Boston Beatrice.

We discovered, we were not only helping a Boston, but in so doing we were helping the human who was doing all he could do, and greatly needed our help and encouragement. But perhaps if we had been able to help sooner the Boston would have had a better chance, perhaps the medical treatments could have started soon.

We will never know. We know that when we sponsored her case, we were able to appeal to some wonderful people, and much of the vet bills were paid. We know she was able to have the best care that could be provided. We do know the Boston died at home with her owner. The cancer won this round.

The experience did not save this dog’s life. It did provide some relief to the owner; he was able to continue the prescribed medical treatment that might have saved her life. beatriceatvet

We now know how valuable such a program can be in ensuring at least the opportunity to fulfill the promise of once a rescued, a dog will still belong to the world of caring loving humans. Perhaps we will be able to help next time with a happier ending to our story. Life is not always fair but that gives me no excuse to not try to help again… What about you?


“Save a Boston” MEDICAL FUND with your help, can provide a significant service for an underserved indispensible benefactor of our rescued dog community, the rescued and adopted Boston AND the owner.

Let me explain.

BABE 6033Implied, sometimes stated, in adoption contract for an adopted Boston, is a phrase that goes something like this, “the owner is required to return the dog to the rescue organization, if the owner (adopter) can no longer care for the individual dog being adopted.” The purpose is to prevent the dog ever being dropped off at a shelter, or dumped on the side of a road, when or if the new owner is not willing, or able to care for the dog. And many dogs are returned back to the original rescue filling up long term foster slots.

But some of the owners do not want to surrender their beloved Boston, now a family member. They are willing to spend thousands of dollars of savings, take out loans etc. to keep the pet with them, doing everything possible to provide medical treatments. These are prime candidates for our new program.

The purpose of our program is to identify those rescued adopted Boston Terriers, whose owners really need help with medical costs to a medical clinic/hospital/vet/pharmacy, which without a monetary grant, cannot continue the medical treatments, or pay off those acquired, in completing a prescribed medical treatment. The program will not provide assistance for routine annual shots, testing, medications, and exams. The program will pay direct to the Vet or clinic not to an individual.

There are not many resources for the rescued dog once adopted. When a serious or life threating medical condition occurs many times an owner feels forced to surrender the dog to ensure proper medical care. What if we could help them keep their companion dog?

The bottom line is this program that will make an impact on not only the dog we would be focusing on, we would be helping to provide an additional service of reaching owners, and possible future owners by fulfilling the implied promise, that a rescued dog will always be welcome into the loving arms of our rescue community. That we do continue to care; and sometimes we can reach out and provide more than a “oh how awful” “Sorry to hear this”.

To qualify for this program the Boston must be recommended by a Rescue organization. The owner must agree to allow an agent of BTN to contact the vet and permit copies of the medical bills be obtained for viewing of the Special committee that will make the final decision to help. The owner must allow us to share with the public photos and the basic story of the Bostons health status.


The soon to be opened BTN's Shop will provide the funds.

This and any direct donations to the program will provide our funding. We may only be able to help one Boston at a time at first.  But imagine the relief we will provide to that human struggling to help their "child", "best friend", "companion".  What if that was us and we could not pay for necessary medical care? Where would you turn? I am very passionate about doing whatever I have to do to make this work.

openshopsign1Where will we get the items for the shop?
We hope that if you have a craft that you have made or enjoy making you will consider supporting this program. Our program will provide only the reimbursement cost of materials ( upon sell of the item, cost of items agreed on upfront will be reimbursed via PayPal back to the crafts-person so they can afford to continue to make unique items for the BTN shop.)  The sale of these items will provide the funding for BTN’S “Save a Boston” Medical Fund Program. BTN will establish a over-site committee for all monies deposited into the fund.

If you are interested in providing donated items, or helping us with this program, contact us at SHOP@bostonterriernetwork.com

Boston Terrier Network is a growing independent Boston Terrier Network based in North Alabama.


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Boston Terrier Network
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On this family-friendly website, you will find other dog owners dealing with the same issues as you . We hope you will find solutions which inspire and reassure you.



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