
dogexray "Help a Boston" Medical Fund has been established

We have been working toward the establishment of this program for months. This is a program we are very proud of. Here is how it works.

A Boston Terrier Rescue organization contacts BTN and asks us to help an adopted Boston Terrier and its owner in a great time of need.

      BTN will verify the following as a matter of policy:

  • The rescue is on our list of valid rescue organizations
  • The Boston Terrier dog was rescued by the requesting organization
  • The Boston Terrier has been adopted by an individual
  • By filing out an application, the current owner of the Boston Terrier agrees to share information necessary for BTN to verify medical status, and if circumstances will fit program guidelines
  • Once approved, arrangements will be made to provide a grant directly to the medical organization providing the service

000ETSYSHRISTMAS 5We will need your continued support and help. Our only means to help will be with the funding provided by those who believe in supporting this program.  The more funds are donated, the more Bostons we will be able to assist with medical care that will make it possible for a dog to remain in its forever home.

We believe we have found an area where our efforts will provide dramatic help and a great impact on the Bostons and their human companions.

As you can imagine this will require solid funding from our friends for this to be successful.

Through the gracious help of Seaside Designs, who will donate money specifically to help establish this program, we can now begin to ask for other funding.

How can you help?  Friends, even $5.00 donations add up, although we would rejoice for someone to donate thousands of dollars and maybe someday we will be blessed with such large donations.

In the meantime, we need to start now to build this fund.  Even if we only can help by providing $100-$200 for each dog, that is one more dog that just might be able to remain with his human companions. We all know how important that is for not only the dog but the humans.  Imagine if we grow to where we could sustain helping provide eye operations, or insulin, or heart-worm treatment or even simple x-rays and blood tests.  What a relief it would be knowing that the owners could then afford to keep their dog and not surrender it out of love, knowing that a foster home with the rescue would somehow find a way to provide for the medical care!

Funding sources:

Funds raised through purchases from our recently opened BTN Shop on Facebook.

Direct donations:

    One time direct amounts

    Pledged monthly donations   

Grants from other organizations

Annual Auction with high value items

Other fundraising avenues unknown at this time

Functional requirements:

Levels of grants that may be given

All funds will go directly to pay for approved medical care. Not to an individual.

Our Board of Directors will be seeking to develop a committee of volunteers to recommend the amount of each grant approved.


Seaside Designs on Facebook

Read more:

How does Beach Sea Glass and Bostons mix?

 Edited by:  Jan Mitchell


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