

posted on here this morning about my Abby. Seemed to be having a sudden hip issue. Took her to the vet and they said it looked like a couple of compressed discs. Don't know what she did, but we did hear her whimper once during the night. Anyways, she was in a lot of pain. The vet gave her a shot for the pain, and we took home a muscle relaxer, pain pills and Prednisone. She has been a mess ever since except for a brief romp outside for about an hour, which she enjoyed. She seems dazed, and just stands there. She gets a little alarmed from noises in other rooms. She hasn't drank all day and the only thing she'll eat is these freeze dried chicken treats. She has only taken a couple short naps as well. She has also spit up a few times. Help, I don't know what to do for her.

Debby Martin Crowson Poor baby, sounds like she's having a reaction to her meds. (I'm NOT a vet, though) I'd give your vet a call right away, or the emergency vet clinic. Prayers your baby feels better ASAP heart emoticon

Sal Postle Medora I would get her back to the vet right away. My guess, and it's only a guess, is that she's having a bad reaction to the meds they gave her. I hope she gets better very soon heart emoticon

Nora Mullins Laws Sounds like an allergic reaction...

Karey Lynn Jones My Bandit acted like an absolute maniac, even taking into account that he's a Boston, while on prednisone. Like he was acting like a totally different dog. Might get better with time, but I'd give the vet a call to be sure.

Patty Jensen VanHara I think if I could get her to eat more it would absorb some of the meds. She is resting now, thank goodness. Can't see her face to see if she's sleeping, but at least she's not standing. I wish I could make her understand me.

Karey Lynn Jones My guess would be the prednisone. But not only did the prednisone make Bandit edgey and angry at me but he eventually had to pee so often that he went in the house. She could be different by morning. And she may start drinking and peeing a ton, too!

Sarah Baldwin Try some chicken broth it's doggie gatoraide.. Maybe a little boiled chicken!?

Katherine Dahms Oh, no. I was hoping she was better by this evening. Will keep praying for her. Keep us posted.

Laine  a human , I have the same reaction to prednisone....can't imagine a dog who can't talk going through the same thing. Your vet will have the advice you need. Prayers....


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