
Recently one of the rescued Bulldogs I met Gracie Mae (not our Boston Terrier of the same name) washaving a awful time with her rear end… infections, seepage, and pain after much cleaning, and special attention the problem improved but


Photos of Gracie and family shots with other dogs.

Thank you.. It's all a process now. He looks at pictures and we talk and smile than every part of him hurts and true to being a man he says its a headache I just hug him. We knew it was coming He had end stage Parkinson's my husband flew out two weeks ago and that was so important. It's the ones he left that are hurting now he is in heaven we have no doubt of that.

Any video that she has

Interview Lori

Interview the vet

The story story first

first i will work on geting enough on Gracies history

and why the operation.

Donna Curtis

background and

the photos on the operation and

attempt to contact her vet to set up so there will not be any surprises on the interview side. and find out what the vet would like the public to know and so you will be able to ask "the right questions"

assist me and I'll relegate assignments to her once I have her on board

That's perfect. I will def need your help with the questions.

This is an area I know nothing about an interview where everyone knows and is comfortable with what is going on.

If you can get me the photos and info together I can start to build the shell of the video.

Then loris and vets interview can be added in second will try to have enough info for you tomorrow so you can get your format for the stories set up...

thanks i will even try to get over there and get a couple shots of the vet in his/her clinic

if the weather holds out...

That would be incredible! If you do that can you take a photo of the exterior of the clinic, of the vet, in the office and if they will let you take a few while working

You can text me if you have any questions, my cell is 818-281-1863


Donna Curtis

mine is 256-710-7756

Then I need to know what you want in it, what photos and videos you want to use in it (I can use both). Then I need to know order, etc. I need to know if you want any text, music etc

then I can take it from there

Lori Mullane

I will be on shortly just saw the video and love it!!!!! Because your on a shared server it's best for me to wrap it into the sight verses putting it on the server .,what article do u want it in?

Lori Mullane

I think you tube wrapped will be totally ok. Rescue athlete and grappling x are both on private servers but we stuck to wrapping it in and hosting them on YouTube no need to recreate the wheel they have it down and what I'll do is add plugins to your editor program that make it just as easy as adding a pic for u and from the front end it looks very professional and as if it's in the sight

Lori Mullane

All you have to do from now on is past the url in the article and it will show.

That's the free plugin if you want more control of how its displayed the pro version is 15. For now I can only control the size of the video

Carly Reichert Blake

Ok so when the file is ready you solely want to upload to your YouTube account and then you guys will do the end arouns and post to the web

I just want to make sure I'm understanding fully

2/8, 5:54pm

Lori Mullane

Imo yes

Lori Mullane

I think you can cut the drop box out and just make it private and she can approve it

I loved it!!!!!

Carly Reichert Blake

Make it private on YouTube?

I promise you I won't be. Our goal is to be there for dogs. So far I've seen people who are passionate about that topic and that's all I need for motivation

I would lay in front of a train for my bosties. I want to help save more in anyway that I can. Even if it's just making videos

i am not sure yet we will have to look at that I am inclined to say to go ahead an make it public except if a very special version put if it is going public on the network and fb will be public there are not always the same audience at the different idea so unless it is something special timing

Lori Mullane

Carly you should get a email shortly at your aol email inviting u to be a manager on the you tube page

Give me a sec I'll explain the private part

Carly Reichert Blake

Ok cool. All good take your time. As long as the valentines video is good to go then we are good for a while

I'll look for the email

sometimes when you least expect it a miracle happens and all you can do is watch in awe and pride that you helped it happen... Makes it so much worth it all1. Login to you tube 2. When your uploading it you can choose to have it "private" 3. If it's already up go to the video, bottom right under the video click the button "Video Manager" 3.1 click "edit" next to the video you want to change 3.2 under the video right side look for the drop down that says "public" click and change that to "private" or back to "public" when approved

Hope that helps

Lori Mullane

Let me know if you don't get it .. It should be there by now

Donna - u can also streamline and choose the boxes for Twitter and Google play so they automatically feed the video into them

With the option to put text

Lori Mullane

Sorry I'm here.. The video is embedded in the website.. Not hyperlinked. Tell me what browser are u using?

U should not have to leave the site to view it at all

Lori Mullane

Facebook will be a hyperlink and we want this as the more traffic we fuel to the site the bigger our Google numbers go. This down the road will help us drastically to get funding for rescues when we get to that point.

I don't have any of the videos I think Donna can help you better with that but we can do a video folder on Facebook that way people new people will see them or steal them.

Hope your feeling better today!

Ok I may be confused I posted the video thing before I read thru.. What videos are we talking about?

Lori Mullane

Still lost I didn't send a video link that I recall. I had YouTube send you a request for you to accept and become a manager on the YouTube so you can login

the first feature that i would like you to consider is the bulldog Grace that just had the rear end tail surgery

And if you have access to who rescued Gracie I could tell you more omce I know the whole story

Quote: Lori Mullane “Lol Gracie was her name when I rescued her and I knew by the name she was the one!”

Question ? why was the name special ?

Carly Reichert Blake on my calendar page

It's a facebook page that I run about my dogs Punky and Roxy

Lori Mullane

+I don't think they have Skype what about they have an iPhone and I know they have apps that you can do via your Mac to record


Carly Reichert Blake

When you are referring to they, do you mean the vet?

Skype is a free download. I don't have it either myself. Going to download it

The worst case scenario would be an iPhone. The quality will be way too tiny to use

The 6 would be little better. Smaller would not give enough pixels.

And iPad might work but again it would have to be newer

Ideally a computer that can download skype (it is compatible both ways) that would be best

Lori Mullane

I have the 6 plus it's better than the 6.. It shoots in hd but I'm not video wise at all I'm not sure super sure on skype but don't they have to pay a fee?

Ok, then it looks like I will have to interview via skyle skype, still figuring it out

Carly Reichert Blake

No Skype has no fee

On the 6, but when I spoke to our engineer he felt Skype would be the highest quality

Lori Mullane

Ok I'll do something .. But he may have been thinking the 6 not the 6 plus it had a whole different camera and processor than the regular 6

Carly Reichert Blake

2/10, 8:26pm

Carly Reichert Blake

No, trust me this guy knows everything when it comes to technology. It's his job

He's a television engineer. He has to know the quality and output of everything g

My other thought is the lack of tri pod. It might be good quality but shaky if you are holding it

Why don't we do this, can you just shoot me about 20 seconds of video? Can be the dogs sleeping, just somewhat still video. Then text ir to me. I wil then test it with my co editor

I have one I shot with no lighting just the flash I can send u now what is your number .. I have another short one with light but no judging I was cleaning lol

Carly Reichert Blake

Please send both. 8182811863. Heading to sleep now but will check them out in the am. When I'm in the office I can check settlings

Carly Reichert Blake

Yes, used to live in Burbank. My husband grew up there

I am a bit just still very run down. Thank you!

Lori Mullane

2/10, 8:54pm

Lori Mullane

Oh how funny my oldest best friend and his wife are producers and live in Burbank I lived there way back but grew up in redondo beach

February 11

Carly Reichert Blake

2/11, 10:16am

Carly Reichert Blake

Oh really?? What are their names? I worked at Warner Brothers for 6 years for the tv show ER

My husband lived in Burbank his whole life until 2010

Lori Mullane

2/11, 11:22am

Lori Mullane

Kelly Holtzclaw (his wife is Vanessa MacAdam) and Tom Patterson I think he is abc. I was only in Burbank for a short time back in the 80s.. At that time Kelly and Tom worked for wolf man jack radio station .. Seemed everyone did lol

Carly Reichert Blake

2/11, 11:31am

Lori Mullane

Omg that I will never remember lol it was some apartment complex but I'll ask Kelly when I talk with him .. He was there to. My real job is in UFC, extreme fitness stuff and he did a series for a couple of years ago with my guys. Whenever I have streaming or video stuff I count on him to advise me lol

2/11, 11:40am

Lori Mullane

I do straight Muay Thai .. We put on the Smoker fights way back and I did them but that was before Thai was so big in America I taught it for s bit and self defense for groups but we all actually started training it because we ride dirt bikes and it gave us the physical edge. I was not the typical soccer mom but i had 4 daughters and it helped keep them in check

Carly Reichert Blake

2/11, 12:22pm

Carly Reichert Blake

I would imagine that you do. I wouldn't mess with you!

my husband is big into tae kwon doe

Lori Mullane

2/11, 12:45pm

Lori Mullane

Lori Mullane

2/11, 12:49pm

Ok, so I was able to pull the video into final cut. The quality is good, however it really gives you the shape of the cell phone. I would be looking to make it more professional. However if the vet doesn't want to download skype, we might not have a choice. my other concern would be that I wouldn't be able to do the interview if it is done on the iphone. With skype I would be able to perform the interview myself. It's not that I don't trust the person filming, but as a producer i like to have control

Carly Reichert Blake

2/12, 11:52am

I love english Bulldogs

Vinny is going to be our networks mascot

yes he is not a boston but being a bulldog will not stop him taking over

how ever Jordan his Boston Manager and "mother" will keep the edge on the bostonss

Our mascot

2/9, 8:18pm

Lori Mullane

That's Vinnys cartoon version of we can put it in any of the videos to add humor

another story in bit is how Vinny takes over the Job of being our network Mascot...

I love it, bringing humor makes it better

We should have Marlana make a "production company" logo with the cartoon

I know that is the hardest thing I'm having with the rescues, the bad stories. I can't stand seeing a pup hurt

My husband is a rock quarry manager and can do our land but him having the time is a whole other story lol he used to do fences when he was young if you're going diy he can help with pointers my biggest want is a garage .. Hopefully this year!we thought that it would be great to have him keep us from being too heavy and being unique and bring in another group of passionate dog lovers

so when you get too sad work on letting Vinny get us laffing

I can see how he will do that!!

Awesome, I appreciate it. Do you want the surgery to be the main focus? Or mix in his life?

The surgery.. When u see the pics u can see how to the naked eye it's no big but up deep is skin dyeing and pain.

Lori Mullane

Small world we work with a lot of forms .. I have a belt in that from way back. I trained for a long time with red dragon karate the cassamassas .. Most of the power rangers came via them and Chris did a lot of the movies ..we still work with that whole group in some way. I think Kelly is still a partner XMA .. When he needs UFC help I advise but that's been a while so I don't know if he is still involved with them

Now I mainly work with training for first responders, special force training. I work mainly with rescue athlete they are amazing!!! I don't know if your do contract work but I know I would love to get your expertise on board with them!

Lori Mullane

lol so many people out here ask if I've been to Hollywood and I say yah not at night lol my biological mom lived there and her best friend owned the pleasure dome next to that famous hot dog stand .. When I was young I would help them at the store. Hollywood is sad to me not all glamours like people think.

Yes I was part of the original group before it hit the mainstream. I'm pulling away from it now.. It's not the same. I still do grappling X out of California and advise for some people.

2/16, 1:00pm

Carly Reichert Blake

Oh I just meant if she had any questions about what we are going to do and how we are going to approach. I am not ready to do the interview yet

I need more info on what Gracie went through and then you can give her my contact info and we can go from there.

Thank you, I am really nervous, it's supposedly quite painful. I just want to be done with it. The dogs know something is going on.

It went ok I guess. It was probably the most painful test I have ever had

they stuck needles into each nerve and muscle and shot electricity into it. I literally kept getting shocked the rest of the night

it/s hard to say. It was just a test to rule out neuropathy. Which i still dont really understand. I meet with the neurologist on March 10 to see the results. Then I go back to my neurosurgeon. They have to determine if I have to have compressed disc surgery (L4 is crushing my nerve) or if I have to have a neurostimulator put in

It's complicated. I was a junior olympic softball player well into my early 20s. I played in college and all year round most of my life. I was a catcher, so my body was beat to hell constantly. I have had 4 knee surgeries. The pain didn't go away. THis goes back 8 years now. I was then diagnosed with a pain disorder in my lower leg. But I then had upper leg pain that was like lightening bolts and constant to the point where I couldn't sleep. After many tests and 2 years the doctors realized I had 3 crushed vertebrae. I had two major falls onto concrete last year that just made it worse. I finally ended up at a neurosurgeon who feels that I have one nerve that is really badly crushed. He thinks that may be the major issue. However he wanted to make sure that it wasn't neuropathy. That is why I had an EMG yesterday which was aweful. They shot electricity into my nerves and muscles to see how they react and if they react. So now I wait. It was really painful, but I am really glad it is done. Now I meet with the neurologist on 3/10 and the neurosurgeon on 3/16. I just want to some relief. My husband and I want to have kids. I can't do anything until this is fixed. So prayers are what I need at this point!!! Thank you for checking in on me and sorry for the long rant!

My email address is CLReichert05@aol.com

Send me anything you would like to put it


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