
Bill DorotzakPink3Tammy and Pink A True Story

Yes Amy and her Bulldog Pink saved my life!

The very first time Amy came for a home visit, my blood pressure shot through the roof. I know I keep saying it felt like electric going through me. My husband, Dave, thought I was having a seizure. Amy stepped in and had me look at pictures of bulldogs while having me take medicine and calming down. I have bad PTSD.

On Amy’s second visit, I was introduced to Pink. Pink is the best dog in my book. She comes over and can calm me down in a way that no person can. She is very loving. .. And the best therapy I get is from her. And her mommy (Amy) is also amazing. I think Pink should get award for what she does for me. My PTSD goes away when I see her.

Amy tells us “Timmy’s vital signs improve while Pink is there and the effects last about three days. Her blood pressure is reduced without medication. Many patients with hypertension alone would benefit from emotional support dog services.”

Just knowing that Pink can Lower my blood pressure and take my fears away even for a couple hours is OK.
My husband Dave wanted at Christmas to buy me a puppy bully. But I said no because of my 7 grandkids and wanting to give them the best Christmas ever. I put everyone before myself. I know if I'm meant to have one God will show me how.

If I got bully I want one who needs my love as much as I need theirs. Everyone wants a puppy but I think every dog needs a second chance. Maybe I am still here to rescue one like my grandson’s dog Batman.

He was abuse and in the shelter. My grandson saw his picture online and named him. We went the next day to the shelter. I tried to get him to see other dogs but nope he had his mind set. The shelter said he was shy, but once the 2 of them got home, Batman was not shy. Batman just wanted a little boy and a poppa to love him. My husband wrote on Tampa Humane Society and told them “We had a perfect match for both my grandson and Batman.”


Pink and Tammy

Robert Coriat and Oozy’s story are what gives me hope. I have talked to him and read his story. If it was not for Amy showing me his page and videos there are some days when not seeing Pink or talking to Amy my PTSD would of got the best of me when I have been hospitalized.

It's amazing that anyone would think I'm worth it. Now Amy and PINK are. I have to struggle to eat every day because of gp. But I know God has to have a purpose for me. He has taken some of the most wonderful people from us this year. But he let's me live. I'm not powerful not wealthy. But I was raised that you can always put another potato in the pot to help someone in need. Nothing like Robert or Amy!
Written by:  Tammy Lynne Dorotzak

EDITORS NOTE: We are constantly amazed how much the unconditional love of a dog can influence our lives. Tammy wanted to share her story with you. We have added links to our original stories from our good friend Robert Coriat who helped start us on this amazing journey of reaching out and touching in such powerful ways so many people who like Tammy have benefited from the unconditional love of a dog.

Other articles you might like to read:

The Power of a Dog's Unconditional Love Robert amd Akiles
The Power of a Dog's Unconditional Love:Part 2 Dedicated to Akiles,_Ozzy


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