

Once in a while you learn of an amazing dog that just takes your breath away. I want to tell you about Pink. 

No pink is not a show dog, or agility dog. she has not been trained to show off her obedience training or prance around for the public. Her amazing ability is a gift. Pink is sensitive towards supporting her owner and helping those her owner has introduced her to that needs her help.

Pink is a specially trained “working dog". A service dog combined with being also a companion, and emotional support dog, that without which her owner would be totally lost.  On top of this Pink is a Bulldog.

We have written about her amazing gifts before, We want to share another story about her.  


BTN was first introduced to her through our good friend Robert Coriat. Here is how Pink's story was presented to us. Due to the delicate nature of the owner and age or health conditions mentioned in this story, we will not identify them only tell you their story. I am sure you can understand why, as the story continues.

We will call Pink's owner A.B.

A.B.   "One of my pediatric patients is here now, cancer free ...... Are there any questions she can answer?
BTN   "Is your pediatric patient someone we have not met yet?"
A.B.   "She is sitting next to me. Pink gave her therapy. Any questions? She is 13." (BTN We will call her JJ.)

A.B.  "Having pink stay overnight in the hospital makes it less stressful."
BTN "So how long ago did J.J.  meet Pink? What did J.J. think when she saw a dog in her hospital room?  Was she startled or just surprised?  Does she have dogs at home?

A. B.  “She doesn't remember the first time she met pink. She had turtles. Pink gets very excited when I ask her if she wants to go see this girl. Also Pink does not bark, except for J.J. She will bark only for her. Pink knows when she meets special people. Pink must think you are a very special person to only bark with you.

J.J. has a hard time holding things. Her hands shake. She is doing a lot of occupational therapy. She did say her favorite thing is when Pink kisses her whole face.  J.J. had a large brain tumor removed. When I first got her as a patient, she was unconscious. One night I was fixing her supplies on the shelves at her home and I heard this little slow voice say, "Amy, I love you"

One of the best moments of my life. I would do anything for this girl.  She types on the computer so she may write to you but she says she has to think about what she wants to say.  She chooses her words very carefully. She is a very deep thinker, philosophical. Fair warning, YOU WILL FALL IN LOVE WITH THIS KID."

BTN   "A.B. was right. I did learn to love her. Pink was a vital part of the healing of J.J. 
The great news is this child is now considered "cancer free" thanks to A. B. nursing and Pink's support."

amyspinkservicedog22But there is more to Pink's story.

We were also introduced to another "client" of Pink, Her name was Tammy.

Here is some of what Tammy wrote to me of her experience with Pink.

"On Amy’s second visit, I was introduced to Pink. Pink is the best dog in my book. She comes over and calms me down in a way that no person can. She is very loving. And the best therapy I get, is from her. Her mommy (A.B.) is also amazing. I think Pink should get award for what she does for me. My PTSD goes away when I see her."

A.B. tells us “Tammy’s vital signs improve while Pink is there. The effects last about three days. Her blood pressure is reduced without medication. Many patients with hypertension alone would benefit from emotional support dog services.”

"Just knowing that Pink can lower my blood pressure and take my fears away even for a couple hours is Okay." To read more of what Tammy wrote us follow the link “Tammy and Pink” below.

But now to update you on Pink's most important job to date, supporting her owner. Grief of losing a parent runs deep. When you become isolated and lose your best friend, many people develop "survivor's guilt".

Work may provide some escape from grief, and works for some. But, life has a way of sending in one more traumatic event to top off the mental misery, making life seem impossible. Such is what happened next when A.B. was hit by a car in a head on collision, landing her in the hospital. A.B. was then forced to sit at home to heal.

Sitting at home and facing the "grief and guilt" only Pink understands, and has not left A.B.'s side.  Pink was doing what she does best, nursing her owner back to health. The love of our dogs can never be measured. There is no way of knowing how many dogs have saved their owners. Pink sure is working hard to help the humans in need around her.

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We would love to learn of your amazing pet that helped you get through the tough times and learn to live again.  Please leave a comment below of if you would like to share your story in an article, contact us at info@bostonterriernetwork.com"

 Related stories

Tammy and Pink: A True Story
Her name is Pink. She’s service dog


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