
 fathercristmasWelcome dear friends it is time once again for our annual Christmas event!

 BTN'S 2015 joys Of Giving Christmas Gift Program

“Even Old St. Nick himself would applauded  the kickoff of  our 3rd year of this annual program, which will provide Christmas gifts to a fostered rescued Boston Terriers and BT mixes and their foster families, who’d otherwise might not receive gifts this Christmas.

The need is great, to find ways to recognize those families that foster these special Bostons year after year.  It is always a blessing to see how our Readers and Social media friends of these rescues respond to this request.  I understand the need, firsthand as a former group foster home.

Our first year was so successful. We had the distinct pleasure of helping coordinate around 50 Boston fosters and their families to receive some wonderful Christmas gifts.  

I had never heard of this kind of targeted Christmas giving to rescued fosters. But after we tried it the three years ago and it turned out so popular I promised myself we would do it again every  year.  We are very lucky that many of our friends from last year who helped us with, have again this year said they were happy to be Santa's Boston elves again! (This Boston Santa is keeping a special list with your names on it for a very special thank in the near future!)

This year I ask for our friends and readers of our Facebook page at Boston Terrier Network, or Donna Curtis, and our website readers on Boston Terrier Network.com, to again lend their generosity support to the BTN’S 2015 JOYS OF GIVING  CHRISTMAS GIFT PROGRAM.BETSYCHRISTMAS 5092


Nominations for these Christmas gifts, may be made by the foster family, or a friend.  Each nomination must include the following information, the affiliated Rescue the dog being fostered, a photo of the dog, sex, age, and dog’s name,  a need/want list, along with contact information of the rescued dog.  Also needed is whether the foster family would like the items to be directly shipped from the donator, or through BTN.  Only one nomination per person please. SEND YOUR NOMINATIONS TO    donna@bostonterriernetwork.com   now through 20th December. 

      Photo Betsy (rainbow)

 As our nominated Bostons come in, we will be putting them up in our special album on Facebook and inviting “Our gift giving Santa's Bostons and their family, the opportunity to select the fostered Boston photos, each bearing the nominated  dog’s photo, name, age and wish list and contact information. 

 GRACIECHRISTMAS 4925When you donate something for these dogs, we will arrange to have you ship direct to that dog. While all named dogs are usually tagged by someone, the commitment isn’t always fulfilled. We try to guarantee that every Boston identified will get something.

 People’s generosity never ceases to amaze us when we get to the point of distribution  dates will run from 20th Dec to 31 Dec,  If someone would rather just send money we will help arrange that also.

Too often, we take for granted the hard work and dedicated time and additional expenses that foster families go through when they foster.   BTN’S 2015 JOYS OF GIVING CHRISTMAS GIFT PROGRAM, is a program that is worth supporting. Your gifts, help thank the families who make a difference in the life of a Fostered rescued Boston Terrier.

 photo: Gracie Mae 2014


If you are looking for a charity to help this Christmas, you only need to take a look at this special nationwide program. You can agree to be a Santa's Boston Elf and send a gift(s) to a nominated rescue a fostered Boston Terrier Dog.  Those who want to participate will choose a photo of the dog, purchase the gifts, and follow the distribution instructions. Some foster families will want you to direct ship, with contact information. There may be a few that prefer to have BTN ship to them but instructions will be with each dogs photo.

 Photo: Gracie Mae 2014 

We also encourage you not to forget the Boston Terriers that are in our Squishy Face Sponsor program.  These special Bostons are in long-term care with our partnered rescues and I am sure their foster families would really appreciate your gifts to them.



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On this family-friendly website, you will find other dog owners dealing with the same issues as you . We hope you will find solutions which inspire and reassure you.



Welcome friends, Boston Terrier Network (BTN), offers a free monthly Newsletter for our readers, when you register.



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